By zboy_123 - 23/08/2009 18:33 - India

Today, I went to this meditation center which my mom suggested to get mental peace as I have been hating my job and life for some time now. I drove for an hour and then walked around in scorching Indian sun for 2 hours trying to locate the damn place. I got lost and returned home angrier than ever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 527
You deserved it 7 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Try doing it in your own home. Meditation or masturbation. There two of the best things to do alone

what better place to get peace of mind than your own room? xP


screwtaylor 0

Take some depression pills, Indian dude.

blacktiger123 0

Getting lost aggravates my nerves too. FYl.



My career as a troll isn't working out... Can u guys at least try to get pissed at me pls. thanks

tmptmptmp 0

#19 I freaking hate trolls, you loser. You have nothing to do all day so you just troll fmylife. Get a life. I hate you #19! (Is that good enough?)

DIE DIE DIE DIE INSERT FLAME HERE FIRAGA FLARE AGANANZER'S SCORCHER worthless piece of Internet trash. Go suck your mommy's schlong before daddy and daddy kick your ass. (I ordinarily don't feed the trolls but your ple was hilarious :-D) OP - Wow, that sucks. What do you do?

I just thought it was we American men who were the world's most ridiculous stubborn asses for never asking directions. I was relieved to see the OP was from India. I would hate to think what would happen if his mom suggested he visit a whorehouse!

#19 I am so pissed off with you right now

ihateharrypotter 0

yayy a post by a fellow indian..that's awesome lol..although, i have to say that i've never met a depressed indian..we're always so highly motivated and are used to living in a rut.

OMGitsKaleyxo 0

u shoulda used mapquest. god.