By Andrea Trevor - 30/04/2018 01:30

Today, I woke up at 5 a.m. to my dog jumping off of my bed. No big deal. I rolled over to the other side of the bed to fall back asleep and my face landed right in a puddle of his pee. I tasted it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 132
You deserved it 630

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ok, so you drank some pee. Let's break this down. Good News: Doctors used to taste the flavor of their patients urine back in the day to diagnose them. They even had a urine flavor wheel. So guess who just got a free vet visit? Bad news: Not you, since the diagnoses drawn from urine flavor are pretty inaccurate. All except if it's sweet, then it's pretty likely that your dog has diabetes. Also, you just drank dog pee.


Well, you know what they say: If you taste it, don't waste it.

CrazyTrainWreck 19

Did it taste like yellow snow?

Was this a one-off thing? Because most animals won't relieve themselves anywhere near where they sleep unless they are either sick or desperate (though I did have one dog who wet herself several times when she had bad dreams). Keep an eye on your dog, just in case there is a health reason for this.

Potty train him before he poops on your backpack.

Andrea Trevor 20

Little bit of back story here!!!! My dog was actually diagnosed with diabetes very soon after this. He’d been acting strange and the day before taking him to the vet he was panting and drinking so much water he ended up peeing himself in my bed! It sucked but he’s my baby so I wasn’t too, I later found out it was a health thing anyways! He’s 11 and other than diabetes, perfectly trained and healthy!!!! I also let him sleep on the bed because I have a queen mattress and it’s just me so why not

Health related, called it! But seriously, I'm glad to hear that your pup's been treated and is well. Give him a snuggle for me.

Andrea Trevor 20

Leave Puddles the fu(k alone and quit trying to narc on him. Also, you never said it was gross or you disliked it.

SOoooo, you never said how it tasted. Asking for a friend.

I bet the dog actually made sweet sweet love to his happy pillow.

Dustin Allen-Duwayne Lakey 16

These foster dogs are getting out of paw.