By Anonymous - 13/10/2008 08:25

Today, I woke up next to my girlfriend, but in fact, it wasn’t her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 298
You deserved it 270

Top comments

shuyin14 0

lol, you shouldn't drink/do drugs/be an idiot

Don't get yourself into that situation? You have no one to blame but yourself.


It could've been wurst Sorry I'll let myself out

A07 48

You should head over to the comment section on 9gag then

How is this even an FML? It's not like you're the one that got hit by a big meaty sausage.

Why is this an FML? Like, were you not aware you were in Germany beforehand? Did you get hit by a rogue sausage? Right now it just sounds like you saw two coworkers screwing around in a way that didn't affect you.

Well, at least it wasn't an animal. No, you deserve it to be an animal.

KrazyKatz3 26

You deserve it for being ambiguous. What happened. Give us the deets