By Anonymous - 26/12/2012 02:46 - Canada - Saint Albert

Today, I woke up thinking my house was on fire because I could hear crackling flames downstairs. I panicked and tripped out of bed. It was the fireplace channel I left on last night so I could wake up to a Christmas ambiance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 663
You deserved it 35 696

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Waking up to ambiance? Seems more like you were shooting for ambulance.

That's so dumb it's almost impressive. Merry Christmas though!


nycwrestler 17

We don't need no water Let the mother fu.... Wait never mind it's just the TV again grumble grumble 1080p and surround sound same thing every year

perdix 29

Whatever you do, don't tune in to the Intruder Channel!

That is why I only watch the "paint drying" channel. Today - it's green!

skyeyez9 24

If you have one of the newer tvs where it has the youtube, netflix and pandora options, you can lookup the fireplace video on youtube and play it.

Megan98 18

You really thought you would hear the fire before you, you know, smelled smoke? Or heard the smoke detector? I guess if you were half asleep, but still. That's not how that works.

So instead if Christmas ambiance you woke up to a Christmas ambulance.