By Anonymous - 12/04/2009 18:11 - United States

Today, I woke up to find The Sims 2 running on pause on my laptop. I unpaused to find my character and my boyfriend's were no longer together. Slightly confused, I went on to find the note my boyfriend left. It said, "I hope you can take a hint." I got dumped through a computer game. FML
I agree, your life sucks 90 466
You deserved it 5 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments

meetmeinhell 0

wow hes clever, i envy that. i hate break ups so what ever people can do to make them less stressful helps, cuz that hilarious, lmao

savy_77 0

That was rude. You don't need him


#27 no one said breaking up was easy, doesn't make a person less of a jerk for not having the decency to do it face to face. Just because something is hard isn't an excuse to be an asshole about the way you do it. Funny thing is back in the day people actually had to do it in person, and it didn't kill them. Weird I know, but then again I suppose we may have all devolved so much that it really is just too emotionally damaging for men (or woman as the case may be) in this day and age to do anything difficult in person. So of course it's totally acceptable to be a complete ass and wimp about breaking up, I mean they might just have to deal with someone's emotions, and you know life in general, and that's hardly an acceptable thing to expect. Life after all is scary... it always seems to end in people dieing...

collegegirl8 0

YDI- anyone who has made herself and her boyfriend characters on the Sims is probably way too clingy and immature to have a relationship with. sorry.

Hahaha, that's actually very creative. Sorry it happened but he's pretty clever. :P

zland 0

Hmm. Clever. kinda funny. Still sucks though. sorry.

Maultet 0

That sucks big time. Oh, well atleast you dated someone that creative. Way to pick em'

wow, what a douche- at least you know he put some actual thought into how he would dump you

#27 you don't really know men apparently. There are a few main reasons in my experience why a man won't break up with a girl face-to-face. Most often, it's because they don't want to have to deal with all the questioning and crying that happens. When a guy breaks up with a girl there are questions and accusations and it goes on and on, and it's not usually like that the other way around. You are doubtlessly horribly alone and should always remain alone for having no clue what you're talking about.

#27: After a certain point, basic respect and etiquette demand that you break up face-to-face. If a relationship has gotten as far as you describe, it is most certainly a must, unless a face-to-face is impossible (such as long-distance, and even then you should get as personal as possible such as over the phone.) Barring extenuating circumstances (such as feared physical abuse), it is never ok to end a serious relationship without making some way for the other person to respond in real-time. Email, snail mail, Facebook/MySpace, The Sims, getting your friend to do it, etc. are out (unless you're in middle school and you think your relationship is serious when it actually isn't.) Also, breakups are not the place for creativity. No one appreciates your artistic flair when you're rejecting them. Save banners, ball games, flashing lights, The Sims, World of Warcraft, puppets, hidden messages in food, poems, or any other self-expression for a different occasion.

maybe he thinks you spend too much time playing Sims. ha. But yeah... that sucks. he is a douche.