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By Dee - 13/07/2009 00:41 - United States

Today, I was at a party at the house of the guy I really like. We were talking when he pulled me into his room. I was excited he was finally taking our friendship to the next level, until he handed me a stick of deodorant, saying "I didn't wanna tell you in the hallway, but you really need this." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 065
You deserved it 22 012

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fabbitsrabbit 0

well if u guys r frends then its a good thing that he cares enough to tell u bout it

Seti_fml 0

sounds like a good friend to me, who cares if he doesn't want to be with you? at least he cares enough not to let you walk around a party smelling bad.


doof_fisch 2

B.O. is such a turn-off. (In politics, too).

star_ver 0

That wasn't even remotely funny. Fail.

bambii101 0

Well at least he didnt embarass you in frount of a lot of people..he was trying to do you a favor

skullbuster 0

Dee, your friends here online @ FML all still love you - but that is mainly because we can't smell you through the computer!

Maybe she just needs to use Men's Deodorant next time, =]

26: what are you talking about? i thought #1's comment was pretty funny. maybe just because i'm not a fan of B.O. LOL but at least he/she didn't say first. that pisses me off.

00yoda4 0

wooooo hooooooo I'm the 30,000th to say fyl

haha I liked that.. #26 is definitely an Obama fan who gets insulted too easily. I thought that was pretty funny.... #3040 to say FYL!

what I want to know is that why is this guys carrying a stick of deodorant with him? does he need it constantly!?

hella_elyse 0

Lesson #1 Always smell clean and yummy for boys. We're women, and we should be viewed as feminine beauties. And B.O is definitely not femenine or beautiful! (just an opinion)

Teecuppit3a 0

I thought guys thought it was sexy when a girl is all sweaty from working out and such? Haha. These rules confuse me, and make me laugh at the same time. :]

Sweating from working out can remind the person of sex, having sex, or that they can have a good workout together. ( ; Sweating at a party can be quite the turn-off, and stinking (at least to me) is unattractive. You can sweat without smelling bad, and there are precautions if you perspire a lot. The story never suggests she was sweaty though (she could have been, yes). But the story is: she stunk, he noticed, and acted upon it.

Women shouldn't be expected to smell any better than men are...

i sort of agree with what you're saying, but why shouldn't it apply to guys too? no one likes the smell of BO so why shouldn't both sexes avoid it?

IOwnedYou 0

Uh, it depends, sometimes women care more about their looks then men, vice versa..

greenltrn2003 0

I was gonna say something. then I read redbluegreen's comment. nail on the head...

This applies to both sexes. Some men just happen to be rubbish at it.

#37, everyone including #33 are talking about smells not looks

fabbitsrabbit 0

well if u guys r frends then its a good thing that he cares enough to tell u bout it

rmujerita 0

i once was hanging out with a guy and he straight up said you stink! and left.

Playthismelodyx3 0

lmaooo that was better than the FML i literally started laughing out loud.

cryssycakesx3 22

I guess he did take the friendship to the next level...

Seti_fml 0

sounds like a good friend to me, who cares if he doesn't want to be with you? at least he cares enough not to let you walk around a party smelling bad.

Wow, why would you go to a guys house you like without smelling nice? That would be the first thing I'd do, but on dome deodorant & perfume. Guys loooove when girls smell good. Remember that next time!

what I like is that you said really like instead of love, good job

Gosh. Am I the only one paranoid about this sort of stuff? I absolutely can't stand it when someone doesn't use deodorant or can't tell or check to see if they smell. If someone has to approach you, that's bad.

I obsess over this.... I carry perfume Nd lotion in my purse at all times... It's a necessity.

realrealitysuccs 0

wow ur a disgusting disgrace to woman not FYL but Fuc every1 who had to smell ur disgustin ass lives o n ur friend is awesome

And you are just a disgrace to general humankind.

HAHA FYL. why wouldnt you wear deodorant to parties? Lots of people, dancing... Seems like common sense to me

Well these folks basically told you well, but FYL? Not really, he was pretty nice about it at least! :)