By Light Sleeper - 14/10/2012 04:24 - United States - Evansville

Today, I woke up to my boyfriend trying to initiate sex with me in my sleep. He confessed to thinking that if he did it lightly enough, I'd think I was just dreaming. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 049
You deserved it 4 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Please inform him that's legally considered to be rape, if you haven't already! Surely most jurisdictions would have it down as so, anyway.

Wow, it wouldn't let me add my comment no matter how many times I submitted. I, out of frustration, put a bunch of dots and hit submit. OF COURSE it submits that one. I accept all thumbs down with full knowledge of the consequence of my actions.


mega20913 8

please inform his dumbass that what he was about to do to you is considered rape...plain and simple

Okay guys, we get it. It's considered rape. I'm pretty sure she didn't think of it as such and mostly just considered it as a "Wtaf moment" it's not necessary for her to dump him though. He was just horny enough to try it while she was asleep. O.o

Put your hand up if you have a very high libido and yet you've never raped or sexually assaulted anyone using any method. *hand up*

wlddog 14

Thank you #17. At worst its a wtf moment. Guys are stupid and have to learn at some point. He just approached her wrong.

*puts hand up* but only because they were to fast. D:

legal371 5

****** feminists n shit will find anything to use if its against a guy, includeing screaming "omfg he raped her dump him!" I mean its her ******* bf. obviously he wouldn't have tryed if they'd never had sex before

65- The majority of rape victims know their rapists and it really is a serious problem. Trying to have sex with someone while they sleep is attempted rape because she can't give her consent. It doesn't matter if they have had sex before, if she doesn't consent it's rape.

65 just because they've had sex before doesn't mean you ******* rape her in her sleep

******* men 'n shit. Thinkin' rape is okay because apparently your a feminist if you think it's wrong for someone to have sex with someone in their sleep, aka, rape.

Wait so legal371 in your mind if a person has consented to have sex with a person at least once then from then on they are fair game from then on to the people they consented to?

76 78 87 94 Yea don't you all know that that is how the law works. Judge: so you raped this young lady Rapist: your honor she's my ex now but she has consented before. Judge: O she has consented before that makes it ok *throws case out* Rapist: Well time to do it again.

What some Judge may or may not do does not actually change the fact that having sex with someone without their consent is by all technicalities rape. That is an issue with human stupidity The idea that if someone said yes to having sex with someone once or twice in past, means the other person now has a free pass for sex the rest of their lives is ridiculous. If the average didn't agree there would be a lot more cases of exes getting that one last time in. An inability to consent is the same as saying no, and when asleep there is no ability to consent. THE ONLY WAY being asleep would not be an inability to consent would be if the couple had discussed such activities previously and agreed that it was ok to do. A thing which does not seem to be the case with the OP considering she wrote an FML about it.

You need to be careful with this one cuz before you know it he might be going hector lector on yo ass. Just a heads up.

The main problem I have with his behaviour, is that it seems he didn't worry about hurting you. Imagine he got your pajamas and underwear off without waking you up. What would he do next? Just stick it in, while your ****** may be as dry as a desert in August? That shit would not only wake you up, it would hurt as hell. Maybe he likes the thought of raping you (this sounds so wrong, but I think it's a fairly normal sexual fantasy - as long as he doesn't actually do it, ofcourse), but that still means you have to give permission. Tell him that you two could try some kinky roleplay, instead of raping you in your sleep.

Obviously not ready to be sleeping with you yet.

fyreprincess 3

actually, it sounds kinda hot.

I told my boyfriend to do this to me cuz I've got the rape role play fantasy.

That's really creepy....... Break up w/ him

by that logic, you should try the same thing with a ***** in his butt and see if it works for him

Come on ladies. You telling me you have never played with a man's winkie at night?

There's a difference between playing with someone genitals or trying to push your penis in theirs.

Rei_Ayanami 18

You're right, 32, totally different. One is rape, and one is molestation! Nothing alike!

if you gave it up more often then he wouldn't have to resort to that

Oh, that's just like the old "Your man wouldn't have cheated on you if you had just spread your legs more often!" excuse. NO. There's no excuse for that. Ever. That's almost as bad as the "Men have a biological need to spread their seed" argument. Men don't NEED sex, we just want it. Saying that we need it or that women don't give it up enough are pathetic excuses and nothing more.