By strawberrypuff - 04/05/2009 23:39 - United States

Today, I found out nobody in my family wants to come to my college graduation. I spent 4 years and $60,000 to be the first person in my family to go to college, and nobody wants to see me graduate because the 4 hour ceremony is too long. FML
I agree, your life sucks 78 490
You deserved it 4 612

Same thing different taste

Top comments

brodizzle 0

You didn't spend 60k on the ceremony... you spent it on the education you got, and the diploma.

Guess you get a free ticket to not go to one of their weddings, funerals, etc...!


That's a bummer, but I didn't even show up to my high school graduation. Gratz though.

wingedangel123 8

There's a difference between a high school ceremony and your graduation ceremony from college/university.

I personally think college graduations are too hyped up. The diploma is all that matters... That should be worth the money. Not the ceremony.

doll_face 0

in their defense, graduation ceremonies ARE boring. it's the after party everyone wants to go to :p

brodizzle 0

You didn't spend 60k on the ceremony... you spent it on the education you got, and the diploma.

no,they said that they spent $60k on college,not the ceremony

jasmine1259 2

Still, wouldn't you still be at least a little upset if your family didn't want to go to your graduation ceremony? Especially since op was first to graduate.

kwbuzz23wk 0

they are just jelous... probably not true but lets go with that

adelaide_evening 0

Yeah, graduation ceremonies are boring, and they take forever. At my college, they're not even shaking hands with any of the graduates because of the whole swine flu scare. Maybe your parents just don't want to be packed into an uncomfortably hot room for several hours as they sit in not-so-comfy seats and have a >1% chance of contracting an almost deadly disease.

I wouldn't go either. My own graduation is Sunday and is only 2 hours long. I wouldn't even go but my family insisted.

lame, your family sounds a little ignorant, maybe theirs a reason youre the first to go to college

#8 has it 100# correct. You come from a family of idiots. I bet if one of them got "Best Trash Can" in the trailer park, they would expect you to come.

Call me pedantic (-: but i wouldn't say #8's "100%" correct, #178.

Guess you get a free ticket to not go to one of their weddings, funerals, etc...!

alex_vik 0

If the 4 hour ceremony is too long, it looks like we just figured out why you're the first to go to college.