By 44haley44 - 12/07/2011 17:25 - United States

By 44haley44 - 12/07/2011 17:25 - United States
By Anonymous - 20/04/2022 18:01 - Australia
By Lonely - 02/01/2010 10:30 - United States
By Handblocked - 04/09/2018 06:00
By Anonymous - 14/05/2019 06:00
By Anonymous - 01/10/2019 12:00
By Embarassed - 10/09/2009 05:32 - Canada
By thermos - 03/02/2009 23:47 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/09/2012 12:03 - United States - Altamonte Springs
By hannahthedino - 20/07/2021 04:01 - United States
By Ned - 29/08/2009 23:36 - United States
so your love life isn't going very well.
Freaky dog dude
...just goes to show u... u can always rely on a vibrator to last longer than ur bf.
So... how'd it go?
OP is a terrible lay, obviously...
Well then I guess she keeps her vibrator on the down low! Ba-dum-ching! Oh, okay then...
Well that'll "wear out the batteries."
97 hahaz
Wow. Seriously laughed when I read this. Poor exhausted vibrator.
Well...did you finish at least?
lmao. 111 your awesome!!
111 FTW!
#111 is my new god
forever alone
#111 is a boss
It could be worse. You could wake up with a penis, instead of a vag.
378 - Wait wutttt?
146 if you where trying to make a pun, it was terrible and i dont get it...
lmao that was great!
win ^
You're in 10?? Beautiful!
That brightened my night :D
111 I have never seen so many thumbs up
you made my day 111
TMI, #572... its a pity youre going to have a hard time justifying your refund, OP
ahaha that's hot
@135 I just love it when people's pics match their comment perfectly!
that's sucks, I slepted with adult things on my iPad when my dad came in, he yelled at me so loud that i woke up in shock lol
slepted - lol
shit I meant slept
been there dine that
it's funny because you are eating in the picture.
why would auto correct correct a real word your finger slipped on that one you can't press done and have it change to dine
well who asked you fatty
Those batteries HAD to be energizers.
still girls get pretty wet too lol
and they usually refer to girls as getting WET. 4s comment worked.
lawl your a pre funny bloke.
lawl your a pre funny bloke.
94 - is that actually you?
rumor has it she has a water-bed...
197 prove it to me
178 - liar.
it's funny because water is wet.
favorite comment on fml
LMAO.. It would be an even bigger FYL if your vibrators batteries are dead.
85 what tipped you off?
85 what tipped you off?
I hope you have a lot of laundry detergent.
85's obviously a virgin
295 - You're 16.
I was thinking 14
that really isn't that awkward....
yeah, why is that awkward. Unless that vibrator was magic and could talk, then it would be awkward.
best FML ever
so far ;)
I agree haha
best ever
exactly what I said!
I think I said it first.
i hate when that happens
at least she wasnt WASTING the power;)
lol, nice hair btw, whites a good color on ya:)
I love your hair:)
Been there, done that, got a frightened family member to witness.
that explains your screen name
Wow poor vibrator. This should be the vibrators FML. Today, some chick was using me and it was going really well. Then she fell asleep with me still running, now my batteries are dead. I have a job interview tomorrow. FML.
I can't imagine how wet your sheets are