By Anonymous - 31/12/2015 18:15 - United States - Hyde Park

Today, I woke up to the sound of my psycho ex trying to break down my apartment door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 753
You deserved it 1 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you called the police and everything worked out, OP!


SalsaVerdeDonut 22

I really want to know why she was trying to break down your door. What was her endgame?

countryb_cth 38

She/he was out of flour and desperately needed some for the New Years Eve party. Without the cookies it would be ruined. OP wasn't answering their calls or door so it was only logical for them to break in. Flour makes people do crazy shit.

This would be the perfect opportunity to role-play some LOTR or GOT siege! It would also be the perfect opportunity to send a psycho to jail. Happy new year, OP, and all the FML community!

Call the police. Have him/her arrested. Hell, that's probably grounds for a restraining order.

All ex's are bad, but some of them need a high five, to the face, with a brick, and set on fire