By Anonymous - 21/04/2009 00:41 - United States

Today, I work for the local fire department. I had a long call and I was hot and sweaty. I decided to skinny dip in my pool because it was still dark out. Everything went great untill my flood light went on and my dad ran out with a bat. I got smacked in the side with a baseball bat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 937
You deserved it 6 546

Same thing different taste

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Today, I was laying there, resting at night, when a very sweaty firefighter jumped on me, without showering first. I'm a pool. Yuck. FML

I'm assuming this is a male posting? #2 You seen the state of the economy, there is alot of folk who are still living with their parents!


that_guy01 0

I agree #11, where i live a lot of guys still in high school or just out are in the volunteer fire department, mostly guys that stayed home and are going to the VoTech. And i'll also side with him on the pool thing, after football workouts or when i cut grass or washed cars (before i got a real job) i would always jump in the pool after, sometimes just to go take a shower after. The best time to jump in is when your dog tired and drenched in sweat. Of course i only did it during the day, and at least kept on shorts, the skinny dipping was definitely a bad idea.

balanceMMX 0

that grand slam comment was epic

#20---If you would like contributing to what fml's get posted or not, go to the "Moderate FML" section and start voting yourself. This got posted because more people said "yes" to it than "no".

Today I was sitting in a tree hooting when this naked guy came out for a dip in the pool right in front of me. FML.

icedrake523 2

Ever hear of a shower? Dumbass

I don't blame you for not moving out despite what these people say. I won't move out until I buy a house or am 25 or get pregnant. Other side I'm going nowhere.

tjones19 0

#21 - Most likely it is a volunteer fire department, where you live your life until the pager goes off, then you run the call, and then return to your life.


Clothes are a good idea, or a shower works just as well.