By braceface - 07/07/2010 13:17 - United Kingdom

Today, I worked up the courage at lunch to sit next to the girl I've been in love with for 3 years. Everything was going great. That is, until I sneezed and my retainer shot out my mouth, and landed in her lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 250
You deserved it 8 030

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Chances are buddy you don't /love/ her. You're young, it sucks, but it's okay :) There will be new girls, better girls and besides if this girl is soooo off put by this retainer thing. She isn't right for you.

wtf kind of sneeze is that? and if you wouldve covered your mouth, your retainer wouldve stayed in place.


do you go to school year round? and man, wait until you are at least in high school. I loved a girl that didn't love me back, and it hurts, so you may want to lay off until she even knows you exist.

Guillory24 0

cover ur mouth when u sneeze...and how does ur retainer fly out?...when u sneeze, the muscles in your mouth react to close your mouth in the end not open....hmm wierd

Dude that sucks and the first time to wow

bleedforMayheM 0

why are you wearing it when your eating

lsufan003 0

at least you can tell everyone that your thing in your mouth went between her legs..XD

mandypandy11 0

thats impossible... i have a retainer so shut up if u think im wrong

Love is a battlefield, and your retainer just might have been the a-bomb that blew it all up. Fyl

PatRme 9

how can you be in love with her? ydi for saying you love someone you're not even in a relationship with.