By KereKris - 01/12/2016 19:18

Today, I wrote a bad review for a pizza place after their pizza gave me food poisoning. Now, they won't stop calling me, begging me to take my review down in exchange for free pizza. I have tried to tell them that I wouldn't eat their pizza again even if I got paid to do so, but they won't listen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 596
You deserved it 1 395

Same thing different taste

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Either write another review saying how annoyingly persistent they are to get it removed, or report them to someone. **** it, do both.

Give it to me! I'll take my chances. Worst case scenario: I lose a few pounds.


Give it to me! I'll take my chances. Worst case scenario: I lose a few pounds.

Either write another review saying how annoyingly persistent they are to get it removed, or report them to someone. **** it, do both.

Who are you going to report them too? the pizza God Father?

cootiequeen4444 11

There is actually a pizza chain called God father's pizza. It naturally had a new york italian american mixed with mafia theme. I think it was actually started by some controversial politician I don't remember the name of... I do recall them not being Italian American though. But yeah... as such... There kinda is a pizza God father's out there.. OR rather.. there was... I think the chain went out of business. Don't the quote me on that though.

mariri9206 32

38, in today's world, when a place gets reviewed, it generally means yelp, which trying to alter or change reviews (or paying for reviews) is against yelp's TOU so they could report it to yelp and see what they do about it. They could report to the BBB, maybe, or corporate, if it's a chain.

colton_colton 50

Free pizza is a life goal of all, take the pizza.

sonasonic 34

Not when it gives you food poisoning tho.

sonasonic 34

Free pizza or a life sentence to serve the porcelain overlord. The choice is yours.

It's not one or the other, it's both or neither.

And then get more food poisoning and give another bad review. And so the cycle of food poisoning and free pizza continues ad nauseam.

I understand and appreciate the pun lol

cootiequeen4444 11

pizza mind. peace of mind. To those who don't get it it. Though not sure it quite makes sense... you ain't gonna get peace of mind risking food poisoning over and over again...

Call a lawyer this is borderline harassment, you could get them shit down for this. That way they don't give anyone else any food poisoning.

That must be the most fitting typo, ever.

I think it's well beyond "borderline" harassment.

everton99 16

I'm not sure if it's just a state law for Texas, but I know that if you give a bad review and the company doesn't agree with it they can actually sue you for libel. Granted, that's absolutely stupid, but most people will take down their review just to avoid going to court over something so petty.

Look up the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991, it looks like you can charge them up to $500 every time they call, if you've told them not to call anymore.

Well you need to try to understand what a bad review can do to a small business. You also can't be 100% sure that you got sick from that pizza place, so take your review down and they'll leave you alone. That's not a hill worth dying on.

And you need to understand what free speech is.

finalyearsofhate 22

It's pretty easy to figure out what made you sick usually. OP is entitled to give their review. The restaurant does not have the right to harass an ex customer no matter what the review said.

InfiniteSecret 20

Do you work in this pizza place? It sounds like you are trying to convince people to eat at a place that can give you food poisoning and than harasses you until you take down the truth

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finalyearsofhate 22

OP also probably saved other patrons from getting ill. You do realize it's possible to die from food poisoning, right? They have a right to inform and warn others.

Yeah that's no op's problem. If they believe the good made them sick they have a right to voice their opinion.

InfiniteSecret 20

Do you work in this pizza place? It sounds like you are trying to convince people to eat at a place that can give you food poisoning and than harasses you until you take down the truth

finalyearsofhate 22

I had a car dealership harass me after posting a review. It's a pain. Tell them to contact your lawyer if they call again.

I was getting harassing phone calls from one telemarketing company on the day I got my landline installed. They were literally calling me every thirty minutes trying to sell me a security system, even though I told them every time I already have a security system and couldn't install a different one because I rent and then told them, "Please put me on your 'do not call list.'" It really pissed me off because I was home sick that day and couldn't sleep because the constant phone calls kept waking me up. When I figured out it was the same company calling me over and over again I threatened to charge them with harassment. The calls stopped after that. Often the mere threat is enough, but I'm sure police officers or a lawyer showing up at their pizza shop would make an even stronger point. You shouldn't have to put up with that shit, OP. Don't.