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By muzikmaler91 - 15/03/2012 09:45 - United States

Today, I called Pizza Hut to order a pizza. A voice recording was reading me their specials. The man had a horrible country accent so I began to make fun of it. Then I realized it was an actual person on the line. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 535
You deserved it 50 096

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flashback.miss 28

hahaha, nice going. hopefully they didn't spit in your pizza or anything...

cookie_3008 4

"Howdy partner!! Eeeh-ha!! How'd ya like 'em pizzas?!"


flashback.miss 28

hahaha, nice going. hopefully they didn't spit in your pizza or anything...

"a horrible country accent"... you live in Georgia... Doesn't everyone have a horrible country accent?

No, Georgia has nice country accents. Texas is where the gross and horrible ones are.

desireev 17

That's not stereotypical at all. Or judgmental. Or prejudiced...

IThinkItsAlright 7

I'm born and raised in Texas and I don't have a country accent...

At least we don't sleep with our family, in Texas. 9.9

My husband is from Georgia and doesn't have a country accent. His brother does though. I blame the country music he listens to that my husband hates.

bustub2 8

I thought the OP meant "horrible country" as in a place like Pakistan or Syria. My bad.

Okay I think country accents are hot no matter where you're from:p

Chixken 6

5-I'm from georgia and I don't have "a horrible country accent".

koolkat27 13

37- nope thats just mississippi and alabama;)

#30 you do have an accent you just can't tell. I can't really tell that I have a new York accent but people not from new York tell me I do. Just saying that If you don't realize it it's probably really bad.

While #38 it says your from Florida so could you really tell? They are kinda close together and both places us you'all alot so idk how true that is

104 - I live in Florida now. I've lived in 7 different American states, northern and southern England, southern Germany and northern Italy. I was raised in a half English/half American home but picked up more of the English style accent. So yes I can definitely tell.


All americans sound and talk stupid, so its ok faggets

I'm always fearful of eating out because of this. You never reeaalllyyy know what they put in your food.

Sigh. Every time there is a comment like this, we all know it will be followed by: No shit. Is that why it's on FML? So here No shit. Is that why it's on FML?

KiddNYC1O 20

Seriously. All anecdotes end with FML. They know it sucks. Now say constructive.

I was thinking that every time the comment "that sucks" comes up the follow up was "just like your comment" but that works too.

TSN619 7

That's what you get you stupid ****

What type of pizza company would make someone listen to a voice recording? How would you order? You're not a very logical thinker...

Schizomaniac 24

Maybe a recording of the specials came on if they were busy or something, or just before a live person answered. NAH THAT'S WAY TOO ILLOGICAL.

Yeah but then the pizza company might have to change the voicemail recording every day or how ever many days they change their specials and who knows if the company would want to do that. But that is a possibility I suppose... I guess I was just a little too critical off the bat and missed that particular theory... My bad.

9- I can't tell if you are trying to be sarcastically rude, or if you are just plain stupid.

Feared, if you can't tell that was sarcasm, then either your sarcasmometer needs to be fixed or YOU'RE the one who's just plain stupid.

desireev 17

The Pizza Hut in my town has a recording that answers the phone. It asks if we would like to place an order for pick-up or delivery. Then asks if we would like to speak to a customer service representative.

The Dominos where I live has a new recording everyday and it'll answer when they are busy and can't answer the phone yet.

Docbastard - I have a feeling that you think all people on fml who don't know sarcasm are dumbshits XD

No you're not a logical thinker. You must have never ordered from a fast food chain. Dominos gives their specials over a voice recording, so talk what you know.

#17 it's not like it would take that long for someone to read off the specials one time for a recording. A lot of workers have to read them off every time a person asks for them. In my opinion recording them seems logical because it could save time during the busy hours.

I think recorded messages for chain business/restaurant are a great idea... it gives them time to get to the phone, you get to hear the specials (and even though sure, they might have to change them but I doubt place like this change their specials daily) I had another point but I forget. :D

Dominoes does that. And pizza hut orders are taken by a call center.

actually i worked at a pizza place that had prerecorded specials and cheesy hold music until the actual CSR picked up so you'd(hopefully cause some people just don't ******* listen) know the specials and we wouldn't have to repeat them.

cookie_3008 4

"Howdy partner!! Eeeh-ha!! How'd ya like 'em pizzas?!"

I remember working at pizza hut... Honestly, it was alright. Haha. Probably one of the better first jobs around.

420bhansen 0

Jack wagon he was just being positive

Cool story bro. I'm gonna use that to get my first girlfriend.

Poor sod on the other end. It's more FHL. Silly OP.

TheDrifter 23

Yeah, first the crippled kid's walk and now this.

crw1017 6

I hope to god you hung up and called from a different number. That or called a different pizza place. Otherwise, I'm betting you got a nasty ass pizza.

He would have been getting nasty pizza either way. Pizza Hut is gross.

I guess you've never had good pizza from an actual pizzeria.

I've never had an ass pizza before.

crw1017 6

The saying, "You are what you eat," must be a lie then. Because you, sir, are an ass pizza.