By Anonymous - 20/01/2011 10:55 - Australia

Today, I wrote a mental note: don't tell a couple of nuns that you used black magic to fix their computer. Then don't tell the story to your boss just as the nuns walk back in again. Then don't say "speak of the devil" to them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 470
You deserved it 38 088

Same thing different taste


DakotaCat 4

Hows about you just Stfu when the nuns are present! My mother is a nun for your imformation!

sublime420 11

Sounds like she wasnt a very good one, then

My mother was also a nun. My dad was a short-sighted penguin.

Adoption. Don't tell him that his father is really Doc.

STFU! you just sinned go confess to your mom. While you at it tell her about the sinful FMLs you read on this site. And yes, mo ome cares

did you just abreivate Shut The **** Up! you just sinned go confess to your mom. While you are at it tell her about the sinful FMLs you read on this site of people committing adultery. And yes, mo ome cares

did you just abreivate Shut The **** Up! you just sinned go confess to your mom. While you are at it tell her about the sinful FMLs you read on this site of people committing adultery. And yes, mo ome cares

Did you just reply to yourself? Out, demon! The power of Christ* compels you! *may actually be DocBastard wearing a fake beard and a hippy cut

If it is actually Doc, do we still get to nail him to a tree?

Yes, but with nails made out of foam. He's a delicate flower of a man, and all that entails.

I don't know - somehow crucifixion with spray foam just doesn't have the same ring to it. You're hardly going to generate a large following if you go to show people your stigmata, and all you have is sticky palms. Surely people will just point and laugh...

I'm not sure if I should be flattered by this, horrified, amused, disgusted, or titillated. I'm going with titillated, but only because it's a fun word to say.

Well, I accidentally deleted one of my own comments, so now you guys look like you're even more cracked than usual and are talking to yourselves. But it went like this: "Did you just reply to yourself? Out, demon! The power of Christ* compels you! *may actually be DocBastard wearing a fake beard and a hippy cut* Anyway, titillated is a nice word, though I'm suspicious of any words that Perdix would ruin perfectly good underwear upon hearing.

That doesn't leave a lot of words, frankly. Perdix has to 'go to the bathroom' if he hears the word 'Nutella'. Laughing at you accidentally modding your own comment... I suppose that's what the QDB is for.

sumerflame07 7

I truly applaud the OP. This is neither YDI nor FYL.

How old are you and what is your IQ? He deserves it for being a smarta-- in the first place.

I can't believe someone posted this. Good on you. (y)