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By saddened97 - 20/01/2011 09:39 - Australia

Today, I was making out with my boyfriend and he was fingering me. After he left, my mum says to me "I wish my sex life was as interesting as yours." She had walked in and we hadn't even noticed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 718
You deserved it 12 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Expertfail 0

the question is: how long did she stay to watch?


Give her some pointers apparently your the one with the experience.

newnew8 0

ok wait till your getting your monkey spanked and you pervy mum/dad/uncle sneaks a peek into your room and stays there long enough to make a comparison to you and their own sex lives. I see no harm in that... anyone else?

is anyone else frightened by the fact her name has a 97 in it? that would make her like 13. the ****?

jizwold, its quite sad, yes, but i know a ten year old who has had sex and given ********. what is our world coming to??

hotscar 3

it doesn't mean she was born in 97...

I wish people wouldn't mention things like this; it makes me fear for my innocent 10 year old little cousin's life.

jdgillum 0

you should definitely tell your mom to knock next time..

Expertfail 0

erica how old are you? have you even had the sex talk yet? fingering in this instance isn't the position of your fingers on a keyboard.

squirell_AIDS69 0

Looks to be about 12 and overweight.

squirell_AIDS69 0

Looks to be about 12 and overweight.

because if she was 12, the right thing to do would be call her fat? go **** yourself

maybe he's a whale biologist...he calls em like he sees em

SmallTownCutie 0

I think she was referring to the mom watching them to be creepy. No one had any right to start dissing her. There's a thing called being polite, and though it's hardly ever used on the internet, you may want to think about it.

squirell_AIDS69 0

Go back and read that again. I said overweight, not fat. Saying, "She's a fat 12 year old," would be more of an insult. You better check yourself before you wreck yourself! Observations never killed anyone, so relax.

54, I'd suggest you to stop teaching us life and telling us about our rights. I can call fat anyone I want. lmao, some 14 year old girl teaching people life lessons. Get out of this website and go do your homework. Cheers!

are you aware of the penis on your shoulder?

fthku 13

Dark path how pathetic your life must be if what does it for you is picking on 12 year olds. Also aoife_ckyou what the hell is wrong with you? Why don't you just walk up to a 9 year old, pull up in a black windowed car and offer him and his big brother some candy.. Ohhh bad memories.. Thank god I didn't want candy back then!

SmallTownCutie 0

56- Since you think it's fun to cyber-bully, maybe you do need someone teaching you life lessons. I can see that it makes you feel superior to make others feel shitty, especially teenage girls. Do you have daddy issues or something? If not, maybe you should shut up. I'm not even going to bother defending my age or the fact that you sound more immature than I am.

overweight and fat basically mean the same thing don't they? your info says you're 19 so I don't see why you have to pick on a youngin. this is why so many teens have eating disorders.

Xx_Dakota_xX 1

Umm I think ppl should just stfu with this age and overweight stuff bc It could be someone older that's using their daughter as a wallpaper. Bc I mean u see ppl with google images and wat if her dad walked in o.O?

Ok, dictionary time. Overweight: -adjective 1. weighing too much or more than is considered normal, proper, etc. Fat: -adjective 1.having too much flabby tissue; corpulent; obese 55 - Tell me if these two sentences are any different in meaning: 1: "You are an overweight 18 year old" 2: "You are a fat 18 year old" Would you agree that they're not much different? 56 - You are right that you could say whatever you want, but wouldn't everyone's life be better without bitches? People on the Internet are still people. Also, are you jealous that a "14 year old" is schooling you in the maturity subject instead of the other way around? It looks to me that you are.

squirell_AIDS69 0

Lol at all of you idiots getting all excited over a post on FML. Nobody actually gives a shit.

13Lina97 0

You obviously do, idiot. Immature ***** these days :/ You probably don't know anyone that has commented on this post. So, what gives you think rights to call them names and be a jerk? Exactly, NONE. If you have anymore sad little "insults", don't waste your time posting it and save it for someone who cares.

mintcar 9

That's incredibly gross. Try locking the door next time?

dezinspaaace 0

or not doing stuff like that when a parent is home!!!

mizuki123 8

Some people don't have locks on their doors.. Just saying.

Dibman 3

Well done to your boyfriend OP, he should be applauded for his dedication even in such dangerous circumstances lol

That would be kind of... gross... if he got caught red-handed... o.O

This was supposed to be in reply to #5.... stupid me/computer

************. *kills computer* #13 was supposed to be under #12 that was supposed to be under #5. Sorry guys.