By ... - 20/01/2019 02:00

Today, I yelled, "Fuck me, oh shit!" instinctively after accidentally spilling boiling hot coffee all over myself. My 3-year-old niece found this hilarious, and won't stop saying "Fuck my shit." Her parents are due to pick her up any moment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 221
You deserved it 763

Same thing different taste

Top comments

just explain what happened to them, i bet they won’t be too mad. also tell her those aren’t nice words


just explain what happened to them, i bet they won’t be too mad. also tell her those aren’t nice words

Everyone learns eventually, why wait

If you don't make a big deal about it most kids stop on their own

And at that "moment" you used your time to post it on FML.

As a mum of a three year old, i literally laughted out loud.. then immediately remembered that my son wouldnt stop calling the family pet a ******** today.

The reason kids keep saying it is because some adults make it such a HUGE THING. My son said "holy shit" when he was four. After my husband and I hid our laughter and just looked at our son, we said "try not to say that again as I know you are just copying what mommy said. definitely don't say it around maw maw and paw paw and not in public either ok?"... My now 7 year old hardly swears, he let damn slip once and I just reminded him to not say it in public. He also doesn't like the word "****" so he doesn't say it.