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By jbhadafuckedupday - 15/03/2018 01:30

Today, my 3-year-old came to me very excited because he had gone to the bathroom by himself for the first time. What he did not tell me was that he had shit on the floor, and when I went into the bathroom to check, I slipped on a turd and knocked myself out on the sink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 101
You deserved it 452

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Zekfen 17

How rude of him not to put up a slippery when shit sign.


Zekfen 17

How rude of him not to put up a slippery when shit sign.

Well he went to the bathroom, he just forgot to tell you where!

Sounds like a ... wait on it... scatalogical circumstance! Nah, not as good as the forbidden phrase!

Lobby_Bee 17

Good boy! Hes got the right idea. Oh wait, it's a human being.

With kids, there is always a good side. This being, you did not raise a liar. He may have not told you the whole story, but it doesn't matter, because you didn't ask. Hopefully nothing serious happened from the fall lol

On the bright side, the child is already learning to omit the full truth for personal gain. He will be a great businessman someday.

Donut_Wizard 23

Is there anything worse than being knocked out by a turd?

julfunky 29

Being knocked out and landing face-down in said turd.

kujiens101 24

Don’t be mad at your son. Shit happens.

A very important lesson you can teach your son is to look where he is going. And good on him for going to the bathroom on his own. Now next time it may be on the loo (considering he probably doesn't have his own potty and it was a bit too high for him to get on himself)