By crazycat - 13/05/2011 16:23 - Canada

Today, in the early hours of the morning, my cat started scratching at my legs. I got out of bed and he raced me to the stairs, tripping me. I fell all the way down and landed in cat poop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 615
You deserved it 5 842

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Of course, it was all part of his evil plan. No stupid dog could elaborate a plot so brilliant.

A7X_LoVeee 10

Well, 37, the cat obviously took a dump.


SavannahSunshine 26

Cats just want to watch the world burn

Klima_fml 29

Your cat was planning this all along. I hope it wasn't fresh and soft cat poo, that would be the worse. FYL