By Anonymous - 06/01/2016 06:54 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I finally got myself settled into bed around 2 in the morning after a very long day. My cat started to snuggle with me when I smelled something disgusting. Turns out my cat sharted in my bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 125
You deserved it 2 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would venture to say it was your cats anal glands. They may be full or he's expressing them to mark you and your bed as his. My cat does it occasionally and he also does it when he's nervous. Lovely smell....


overused jokes stopped being funny a while ago

pointless comments also got annoying a while ago ^

What a waste of a perfectly good 1st comment.

You've got to admire their tenacity though.. there seems to be no end of willing sacrifices on the altar of down votes.

mds9986 24

It's because downvotes don't mean anything. I bet people would stop of there was a score on their profile.

Is that better or worse Ghana decomposing "gift?"

*than a. Can't correct this on the app, also, wtf autocorrect???

You can correct it, it just gives you 2 minutes to do it.

Not on my app for some reason. I don't know why. :(

Not sure why you're being down voted, I can't edit my comments afterwards either .

Every time there's a cat FML, someone says this.

Soon people will start getting downvotes for making this pun on every cat FML.

I would venture to say it was your cats anal glands. They may be full or he's expressing them to mark you and your bed as his. My cat does it occasionally and he also does it when he's nervous. Lovely smell....

Today my human was so tired he tried to sleep in my litter box. So I marked my territory, then he got mad at me! FML