By anonymous - 04/06/2014 05:07 - New Zealand - Auckland
GoldenButtNugget tells us more.
No. No offense, I completely agree that that guy should be a better father and have handled that situation a lot differently, but you do not kick a man in his genitals unless it is self defense when he is attempting to harm you. The sheer pain alone is indescribable, as if someone is pulling out your soul, but the risk of permanent damage is what disgusts me about people who just leisurely decide to kick men in their genitals, it's almost as brutal as saying, "hey just punch her in the crotch really hard," no big deal right??? Like I said I agree the situation could have been handled better but the ONLY situation in which a man deserves ANY attempted harm to his genitals is when it is out of self defense when he is Really trying to harm you. This has to stop, I almost had irreversible damage to my testicles because two assholes decided it would be funny to kick me in my genitals, one a man and one a woman, and I might not have been able to have children ever, which is one of my dreams because I want to be an amazing father and create a life that I can support and help change the world if they want to, and I almost lost that just because two assholes wanted to kick me in the genitals, and no I was not doing anything threatening. This has to stop, people need to realize this is a serious problem, along with many others that there is not a long enough comment to talk about but I felt I needed to address this. I posted this just above but I wanted to make sure you two idiots get it too.
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Show it anywayIncredible haha
#1...I was just gonna say he was a dick.....but your comment was win the internet today!

If only there we some sort of button you could press to let him know you like his comment instead of having to write him a message
right. nothing like little brats running around, getting away with disrespect. OP, you should have done a "wicked shot" back at him.
Actually 29, thumbs up doesn't let him know who likes his comment because the like is anonymous, and he may not even go back to look over his comments for replies. But fair play at your attempt towards making a sarcastic comment.
That is the second abortion joke I have ever laughed at in my whole life. Bravo, sir.

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Show it anywayReal fathers don't raise disrespectful brats. I bet that if the OP was a built athletic guy, the offender's kid would've been crying with apologies.
Well I mean honestly it's a coat hanger. Sure it sucks but I'm sure it didn't ruin OP's day
#48. It may not have ruined their day, but it was possible to destroy an eye. Flying objects often do that.
Really? I mean...really?
Well I personally would've said it was a good shot, however gotten upset, and disciplined him later after apologizing to the poor person such as OP here.
61, yes, REALLY!
All these downvotes are hurtful
STFU, nubs, all boring comments... Yes I'm shitfaced drunk.
#93, nobody asked or questioned if you were.
#93 looks like his name would be Michael Kellogg
I would have thrown the coat hanger back and said "wicked shot" just to see if the dad's reaction was still the same as before.
And that's when you get fired
You want to get fired? Because that is how you get fired...
Worth it.
My thoughts exactly. Fired maybe, but so worth it. Maybe that Dad will learn how to raise his child to be nice to others. Kid needs a good whoopin!
That's why you "trip" and "accidentally" fling a hanger into the boys face but anyway he deserved it
I would've thrown it at the DAD and said that. I think it'd be worth it. Then again, I've never had an actual job before.
And when the kid gets older and starts doing the same shit to his dad, the dad will wonder what went wrong.
So so true! Idiot. People that don't discipline their kids drive me mental! Don't they realize that they're just going to be raising a monster for a teenager and adult that the rest of the world has to deal with? Idiots.
The other thing is that it's unfair to the kid too because at some point later on, maybe when he's on high school or an adult, people will be telling him he needs to respect others and he can't always get his way and all of this is much harder to suddenly learn later on.
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Show it anyway33- i was going to say the same thing. or a hospital. one mess with the wrong person and someones bound to kick his ass.
Yeah prison because one time when he was 10 he threw a coat hanger at someone? I think his development won't solely be based off of that.
Seriously #50 never have kids. (Based on his earlier comment too)
50, He'll end up in prison if his father continues to instill in him the idea that violence towards other human beings is commendable. If that child's father refuses to teach him respect for others, someone else will, whether it's a judge or someone who is willing and able to defend themselves. Personally, I'm very glad my parents taught me respect. It's a much harder lesson later in life.
My question is why do people take fml comments so seriously
I've got to agree with you on that one, #78. Just that one, though...
#50 If he's violent now, it'll only get worse.
He's definitely going places. Not college, but places.
that kid is a butthole
No, he's a hemorrhoid. Buttholes have a purpose, but hemorrhoids are just a pain in the ass.
Not college, but places
And that's why they are that bold. Some parents these days are ridiculous. They'd rather be the child's "friend" more than a parent
Brutal, but a nice pay back.
No. No offense, I completely agree that that guy should be a better father and have handled that situation a lot differently, but you do not kick a man in his genitals unless it is self defense when he is attempting to harm you. The sheer pain alone is indescribable, as if someone is pulling out your soul, but the risk of permanent damage is what disgusts me about people who just leisurely decide to kick men in their genitals, it's almost as brutal as saying, "hey just punch her in the crotch really hard," no big deal right??? Like I said I agree the situation could have been handled better but the ONLY situation in which a man deserves ANY attempted harm to his genitals is when it is out of self defense when he is Really trying to harm you. This has to stop, I almost had irreversible damage to my testicles because two assholes decided it would be funny to kick me in my genitals, one a man and one a woman, and I might not have been able to have children ever, which is one of my dreams because I want to be an amazing father and create a life that I can support and help change the world if they want to, and I almost lost that just because two assholes wanted to kick me in the genitals, and no I was not doing anything threatening. This has to stop, people need to realize this is a serious problem, along with many others that there is not a long enough comment to talk about but I felt I needed to address this.
I feel as of encouraging a kid to throw things at your face is a real attempt at harming you.
yeah #54, preach!
Great to see people agreeing with me. I see your point but yeah I agree it doesn't mean that the father himself is presently trying to Directly harm you, that's what I meant, to be clear.
well, in this case the father might not have "deserved" to get kicked in the balls, but throwing a hanger can do some permanent damage, too. And if a man were ever to harass me ( with or without being a direct danger to my life), I'd sure as hell go with a kick in the nuts. Simply because it would be most effective. You are right about kicking someone in the balls for fun, though.
Yes I completely agree that OP could have gotten hurt by the hanger, I do not deny that, but I further disagree. Harrassment is definitely a big deal and I understand how you would want to end it as swiftly as possible, but why a kick to a man's genitals?? Is he posing a physical threat to you too?? If not, why do you have to immediately escalate and resort to a violent act that may very likely permanently damage a man? Because it is most effective for you? Seriously?? I mean, if a man is physically harrassing you by pushing you around or something like that, like groping etc., yes go ahead and get him off you, be safe, but if he is just being a douchebag, as much as I hate douchebags, call the police or get someone to help defend you, if you're alone and he starts getting aggressive or something, again go right ahead, but don't make it your immediate go-to thing unless you're in some kind of actual threat from him too. I have been harrassed by women both verbally and physically, and yes I have Had to respond with appropriate force, but I have not immediately resorted to violence and tried to punch them in the crotch or something as soon as I felt harrassed, I tried my best to stop it and when I felt physically threatened I appropriately responded and only when they really tried to aggressive did I also respond more aggressively. Just because men have a spot that is extremely sensitive and vulnerable does not mean that you have to abuse it. Thank you for seeing that causing harm to a man's genitals as a joke is not funny and is completely stupid, please stop it people..
Further side note, I hope I don't happen to walk by you and you just happened to think I'm harrassing you by breathing your air and you decide to serverely injure me over it, geez, the world is getting more and more dangerous, I try to be the nicest guy and care for people and their safety and I'm so afraid of losing my chance to be a father and bring awesome people into the world to help it for the better, I want to stay inside or wear a safety cup all the time so I don't get hurt by some random person who thinks it's okay to hurt innocent people, doesn't matter how or why, I get it if you're defending yourself but I don't know what your line is where you suddenly decide it's effective and just go for hurting someone.
I did mean physically harassing, and breathing air is not a reason to get violent. But violence is violence, if it'd be kicking someone in the nuts or throwing stuff. You don't do either unless you are harassed by someone. My point is, just because kicking someone in the balls can leave permanent damage doesn't mean we just can't do it. BUT, you don't use any kind of violence for "fun".
I do think that unregarded someones sex, if one feels threatened, resolving to violence can be justified (of course, not limitless) And just assuming I'm some violent bitch is kind of rude, just saying.
I sincerely apologize, I did not mean to insult you, it was pretty rude I agree, I'm sorry, it has just happened to a few of my friends and I and it's unfortunately a touchy subject for me now. I definitely agree with what you're saying, I misunderstood some of it as that you meant the wrong vibe from someone is justifiable reason for violence against them, and I was newly frustrated as this happened to a kid at my work recently because some of the girls didn't like them, and they ended up having to go to the hospital.. I agree though, for both genders, justifiable violence in self defense is understood but not for fun.
Parents who condone that type of behavior are just as responsible for it as the children who exhibit it. It's disgusting.
want a chance to make $600 a day try this.

And when the kid gets older and starts doing the same shit to his dad, the dad will wonder what went wrong.
I would have thrown the coat hanger back and said "wicked shot" just to see if the dad's reaction was still the same as before.