
By Sorry kitty - 14/05/2024 02:00 - United States

Today, I was sick during the night and had to puke. I had no bucket or trashcan nearby, so I ended up puking on the floor. However, because it was so dark, I didn't notice my cat lying in the exact spot where I puked. She was not amused, giving me the mother of all death glares before she started puking herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 464
You deserved it 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Poor you, having to give your cat a bath while you're still feeling sick.


Poor you, having to give your cat a bath while you're still feeling sick.

With experience, we learn to keep a garbage can by the bed and one by the toilet that will hold liquid if need be… I learned the latter long ago when I had food poisoning and was going at both ends simultaneously - Ick!