By gazza - 26/05/2012 20:41 - United Kingdom - Guildford

Today, in the middle of a localised drought, and an accompanying hosepipe ban, my mother has decided that she still needs to water her lawn. To balance out the water usage, she's placed a complete ban on the use of our shower until the weather lets up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 446
You deserved it 1 751

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Protest by pissing on her grass, if she asks why just say you're "emptying the water cannon".

littlecuntcats 6

Your mom sounds like an idiot.


DrBlack 9

Anyone not from the UK who thinks this is ridiculous... your right, in fact it's even more ridiculous than you think. The area I live was flooded in places one month and warned for drought weeks later. Our government prefers to argue over thinks like injunctions and all the other 'popular' crap rather than concentrate on supporting us... but thats every country right?

That's how it is over in the Midwest US. During the spring, it's normally rather dry. But during the fall, there is usually a small lake near my house. Irony.

Flooding does not mean we have enough water - it just means that the little water we do have is in the wrong place and any of that that's on a road or in a town will eventually run back down the drains meaning we can't use it anyway. The government's dealing with the water shortage is far from perfect but the water ban is not the problem - it's pretty much the only decent move they've made, it's just a shame that people don't actually abide by it.

DrBlack 9

I was kinda drunk when I wrote this so ignore spelling mistakes. I'm a grammar nazi so no-one else probably even noticed it...

BubbleGrunge 18

OP, is your sister the one who shaved her legs in the fish pond in your back yard?

Briiyahh 7

Sorry about that things get better though!! :)

have you considered punctuation? it might make your comment look less like you're trying to say that you're sorry that things get better and more like you're trying to say that you're sorry about the situation, but don't worry because things get better.

Baby wipes can only help so much, but theyre worth a shot... Sorry :/

eww, personal hygiene trumps plants any day... that's gonna be one smelly household

If u water ur grass too much, it might cause the salinity level to rise because the water table will rise... Although its a long way away, if she keeps that up for long enough, the town may become saline... Js :)

Tell her to use a watering can and equally if she waters her grass while its this warm and sunny then she will scorch the grass.

thenightshroud77 9

she needs help. 90% of american water is wasted on the LAWN!!! well, instead of showering, why don't you go run around in the sprinkler :)