By Anonymous - 14/10/2011 06:42 - United States

Today, in the senior class I teach, I asked my students who had traveled outside of the country, excluding Canada and Mexico. One student raised his hand and proudly stated, "Arizona". He wants to be a doctor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 029
You deserved it 3 416

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

He could still be a Love Doctor, or I heard drinking Dr. Pepper certifies you as a doctor.

You are so dumb, you are really dumb, for real.


A fine example of how terrible our education system is. I feat for future generations.

crimeshowgirl 8

Maybe he's a Grey's Anatomy fan and he was referring to the time Arizona (the character) went to Africa.....*sarcasm*

Okay, I guess I don't care whether my brain doctor knows where Somalia is, as long as he knows where my frontal lobe cortex is...

u just said it: knowledge! if u don't have the general knowledge, then we'll see more Drs like him and u too dumb ass!

It's really scary that kids today will be our future leaders. This country is going to shit

maximusrus 0

But you didn't say to name a country or any part of the USA...

khat31 2

i think he was being "sarcastic"

decidedlyvague 11

I'm almost inclined to agree with him. Arizona is a gateway to hell. Traveling to other dimensions definitely constitutes as going out of country.

flyestgirleva13 0