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By Embarressed... - 04/08/2010 10:25 - United Kingdom

Today, I was babysitting for my mum's friend. I put her little boy on my knee, and he kept pulling at my top. I asked him "are you hungry?" He replied "No, I want to see your titties." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 607
You deserved it 11 347

Same thing different taste


mmmazingmary 0

that's happened to me before :/ little kids can be pervs

it's probably the only attention they've gotten all year.

Wow, how would you even begin to answer that? XD haha

InfantryMarc 0

that's prolly cuz ur hott Mary and from ur pic u look to have a nice body. can't blame a kid for tryin

catalystics 2

wow how old is that kid like 12?

If I were you, I'd titty smack him until that ****** went unconscious.

Melaniee_fml 0

he was trained by his father well.

PimpdaddyCJT 13

Haha! That's great! That's happened to me before back when I used to babysit.

missvee98324 0
quent10 0

agreed with 8 ^_^ but did ya let him see?

she probably didn't. sounds like a party pooper since she's complaining about it ha

in your case I can understand the kid...

if 6 was baby sitting me, I'd do the same!!

^^ why bother asking 6 you the whole Internet can pretty much see em already.

if 6 was baby sitting me, I don't think I would be asking. let's the peeve comments commence, gogogo!!:D

transam87 0

smartest kid ever, 6- pervs? look what your putting on display as your pic!

Igor_g5 0

#6 If I was a kid I would want to see your ******* too. As a matter of fact I'm not a kid and I still want to.

That_Guy_Jake_JR 0

Agree with 8, he knows what women are for. JK DONT FLAME ME.

nevada_girl 6

yeah, 6 can't complain... she's showing everyone anyway

Izzy_babii 0

I agree with 21,if ya don't like "perves" then don't put trashy stuff like that as your pic 6 :D

everyone loves bo0bs these days! pssht! KIDS....

StopTheFuckinCar_fml 0

6 are you not wearing pants? how modest of you..

6 if you were babysitting me I'd want to see yours too... oh wait u already have, last night ... when you were getting changed ... your closet was slightly uncomfortable but it was worth it... ;)

6's picture is probably fake and she probably really looks like intoxicunt

KarateDuck 0

yeah sorry about that you're just really cute.

6 just look at yourself. kids can't be blamed. you have got a nicest pair.

thatisjank 0

#18 If he was 12, she wouldn't be asking if he was hungry.

KiddNYC1O 20

if he was 12 she wouldn't allow him on her lap...

tweetbaby14 18

wow it's amazing how many creeps are on this app. and 6 maybe the child wouldn't have said it to you if you didn't put them on display for the world to see. OP most likely you were doing the same. honestly it's sad that you have to show cleavage just so they'll give you attention. I'm glad my iPod won't let me put up pics.

yeah #6, you need to cover them up.. youre giving yourself the WRONG kind of attention..

**** or GTFO. couldn't have been put any better. lol

KiddNYC1O 20
Chrisskiies 0
frieman123 0
BallinJ 0

He knows the rules and so should you. **** or gtfo

99chevyz71 0

hey if i saw u i would ask the same thing lol

Wow! tweetbaby is the best troll ever. I laughed so hard at his or her comment.

#142: 12 year olds get hungry too. ****, I'm 26 and I get hungry sometimes.

DisturbedCupcake 3

If she did that I'm sure he would get a peek... Or a lick. lol

MarkerofMagic 0

theFMLwhore5-- you got a ps3??

masterofdeath 0

lol he's a lil kid he don't know better

tell him they're so saggy you have to kick em when you walk. Maybe he'll change his mind?

Mary is sexy if I was the kid I wud rip off ur shirt and suck them dry.... milky

u shud have asked if he was thirsty and wanted milk.....

PanteraRules 0

8 is right, don't blame the kid boobs ARE AWESOME

blink_babe 0
tweetbaby14 18

176- I'm not trolling I'm telling the truth. also I'm a she.

biggiesmalls15 0

hey fmlwhore5 ur gorgeous ;) and btw love the name =D u have ps3 ?

a bunch of haters on here, 6 is bangin

Rhanno 0

or maybe she should just cover up??

Misguided_Ghost 0

6 is a fcking ***** that needs to put on pants, jk. You'd make a great langerie model. ^_^ js.

Well # 6 with a ******* like yours who wouldn't... just saying

awe! he's just curious. show him how things work, you might get a tip.

flcl2 2

uh...yeah, Mary...keep telling yourself that, k? btw, you're confusing attention from guys wanting to just **** you vs wanting to marry you. but if easy, shallow attention is all you're after, I guess that's fine for a bimbo.

rfngxhhshi 0
FYMcNuggetts 0
OneShotSnipa 0

Little kids really are awful pervs nowadays -_-" my lil bro frequently attacks my friends Dx he's 5 we are 14-16.....

Ace_In_Spades 0

I wouldn't be surprised... lol jk

Lol, I wonder if you had your **** almost hanging out at the time like you do in your picture


6- well ur **** do look nice ..

lol who can blame them, you look beautiful. but yea kids start to obsess with boobs at early age these days.

kaseyslifesucks 5

Well, you can't really complain. Judging from your profile picture, you seem the type to put the girls out for show.

kaseyslifesucks 5

Well you can't complain. Judging by your profile pic, you seem the type to put the girls on show.

Sleep_On_It 0

oh damn 6 is hot as ****,with a nice pair too :D i think i know u tho u look familiar O_o and nice pic btw best one ive seen on this site hahah :P

thatxgirlxthere 0

hahahahahaha u can see what this dude is gonna turn up to be

ArtIsResistance7 1

With a great young mind like that, he might become a physician! Then he can persuade his female patients undergo frequent breast cancer checks!

bt2breakskn 0

his dad taught him well lol jk

definitely something the dad taught him! tell the kid's mom so he doesn't later do that to a teacher!

Why would you want to stop the kid from being honest and going after what he wants?It is quite refreshing to hear of kids taking the initiative these days, because alot of them don't go after what they want and end up cutting themselves in the bathroom with a ******* steak knife because they're pathetic losers that never got off their ass and got what they wanted.

well it's obvious you turned into one of these kids your talking about

Fuhohohoho... They're learning younger and younger.

seabass0911 0