By Scorned Employee - 02/01/2012 03:38 - United States

Today, it finally became clear to me that before you start dating a co-worker, it's best to figure out who they've already dated from work, just in case one of her exes is your new manager. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 043
You deserved it 7 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Or you just don't date co-workers at all.

sweet2u22 9

Dating coworkers is against a lot of company's policies for a reason.


jrfloez 3

You don't shit where you eat.

aharts 2

Or just don't date co-workers in general.

That's why dating coworkers is a horrible idea. YDI, OP. You should know that relationships and work are best kept separate.