By Scorned Employee - 02/01/2012 03:38 - United States

Today, it finally became clear to me that before you start dating a co-worker, it's best to figure out who they've already dated from work, just in case one of her exes is your new manager. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 043
You deserved it 7 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Or you just don't date co-workers at all.

sweet2u22 9

Dating coworkers is against a lot of company's policies for a reason.


heyyy464 1

Dating a coworker is normally not a good idea

denvan 0

Don't get caught doing the grown up, in the break room

Well, on the plus side, if she leaves you (or visa versa) then you'll have something in common with your manager, heck it may lead to a beautiful friendship :D

astralvagan 20

Have you ever tried googling someone or at least checking their Facebook before you get seriously involved?

Everyone should be clicking "it's your own fault".

DeadxManxWalking 27
perdix 29

Next time you go in for a performance evaluation, let him know that your girlfriend shared with you her "performance evaluation" of him. You'll get a nice raise and your job duties will be reduced to "keep your ******* mouth shut."

How long were they together? You might be making a big deal over nothing. Of course you want to believe your new gf is lusted after but truth is, they could've just had a few dates and didn't click. Either way, odds are against him being so hung up on her that he'd risk his job and a lawsuit by engaging in unethical behaviour. Act like a professional and expect him to do the same. Do NOT discuss her with him.