By myfuturelover - 04/11/2016 03:43 - United States - Big Rapids

Today, it's been three days since I told this guy I liked him and he told me he liked me. It's also been three days since he contacted me. So, I called his phone and I was told by someone that they were attributed that number three days ago. I think it's safe to say the feelings weren't mutual. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 825
You deserved it 797

myfuturelover tells us more.

myfuturelover 15

Hey OP here, I'm not sure if this will clear things up because quite frankly I'm confused. We've known each other for a little over a year now. We're supportive of each other and everything. This past weekend our conversation shifted. He pretty much made me admit that I had feelings for him. He wanted me to literally say “I Like You”. He then went on to express his feelings and how he been liked me and etc. Lately we had been snap chatting more than texting. He even had stopped by for a hug before work. He was really trying to prove himself to me. The next day we were snapping each other then all of a sudden he stopped responding. I gave it some time then called his phone number and that's when I was informed someone else now was the owner of that number. There is literally no other way to contact him.

Top comments

Yeah.. Now I'm even more convinced that this may be a technical issue OP. Please don't assume that he's doing it on purpose. Do you know where he lives or works?


No don't assume it's done. It's possible that the person is avoiding you but it's also possible that there were technical issues like he changed his service provider and sometimes they don't allow you to keep the same number. But if he actually changed his number to ignore you then I'm so sorry this happened to you. I don't know why he would say he liked you too if he didn't. That's just sad. Playing with someone's feelings is just disgusting. Hope you meet him soon and figure out what happened. I'd say confront him if you see him in person, and let him know that being honest about his feelings is NOT wrong (only if he actually lied to you). Good luck.

myfuturelover 15

Hey OP here, I'm not sure if this will clear things up because quite frankly I'm confused. We've known each other for a little over a year now. We're supportive of each other and everything. This past weekend our conversation shifted. He pretty much made me admit that I had feelings for him. He wanted me to literally say “I Like You”. He then went on to express his feelings and how he been liked me and etc. Lately we had been snap chatting more than texting. He even had stopped by for a hug before work. He was really trying to prove himself to me. The next day we were snapping each other then all of a sudden he stopped responding. I gave it some time then called his phone number and that's when I was informed someone else now was the owner of that number. There is literally no other way to contact him.

Yeah.. Now I'm even more convinced that this may be a technical issue OP. Please don't assume that he's doing it on purpose. Do you know where he lives or works?

myfuturelover 15

His job requires him to be all over the place and no I do not know where he lives.

Oh man, this is a tricky situation. I hope he contacts you soon, although I fear he may not remember your phone number. (No one remembers those these days). You mentioned there's no way to contact him so I'm guessing he doesn't have Facebook or any other social media. This sucks.

myfuturelover 15

Lol yeah I barely remember my own number (I've changed numbers a lot). Well he knows where to find me. At the end of the day it is what it is, but it does suck.

species4872 19

Are you sure you had the right number? Have you ever contacted him on that number before?

myfuturelover 15

Yes I've had multiple conversations with him with that number.

You don't know where he lives? He's married

myfuturelover 15

#25 He hasn't opened any snaps since then. He's not married #26, I think... No he's not married. Your comment and the number of your comment is funny to me. He does play football and his number is 26. Also, no I do not know where he lives.

I think it's strange that you don't know how to contact him if you're wanting to date him. Don't know whereabouts he lives... School? He plays sports but you can't show up at a match to see him? Just seems strange that you know things about him but seemingly nothing of substance, especially after a year.

I hope you guys get back in touch...

Maybe the person you spoke to stole his phone, thus acquired that number.

Its not his number!!! I guess that is your answer..... i wouldn't keep my hopes up.... give him benefits of the doubts??? Maybe but also caustically

saruhhh 21

I'm not sure I'm convinced that his phone number has been changed or disconnected. Phone carriers can't just assign a new number to someone the same day they reclaim it. There is an aging process so that the previous customer's bill collectors or anything like that aren't calling the person with the new number.

How long have you been with him? How can you not know where he lives?

myfuturelover 15

Okay there are a couple possibilities. I know with my mom she used to give our old numbers to people she knew and they just got a new phone with our old numbers. He could have just gave his phone to someone... As for not knowing where he lives, I go to college and up until earlier this week he didn't even know where my new place was. I've switched living places every year. I honestly don't know, but at the end of the day it is what it is.

vb68_fml 28

May be you could contact catfish? They've helped so many people...good luck to you!

Exactly! I work in the wireless world and EVERY CARRIER has that aging rule. Something is not right with this story.

It could be that one of his friends played a stupid prank on him and pretended the number had changed. Either way, get a friend with a different number to try the number you called and see if he answers. Just pretend to be a telemarketer or something if he does pick up. That way you can eliminate the fact that he's screening your calls.

mimiminx 23

Was it a guy or a girl that answered his phone? If it was a girl I'm pretty sure he's in a relationship and she found out he's been contacting you. Sorry OP

If his phone number has changed suddenly then something must have happened. He hasn't opened his snaps but you can see if he's been using it if his "Snap Points" go up. I once thought my friend was ignoring me and it turns out that he never even received the snap until a couple days later even though it said it was delivered. He sent me a screenshot showing that he didn't receive it. It came like 2 days later. He felt like an asshole but gotta remember that technology is not always reliable. I say "Innocent until proven guilty." Wait for something definite to decide where you go from here because there seems to be so many logical possible scenarios. Best of luck OP :)

Wow, totally changing your phone number just because you don't want to face that you might hurt someone's feelings saying no? That us some high level douche baggery right there, I'd have rather a text saying sorry but not interested after all. Way less rude and hurtful.

species4872 19

So much negativity. Assumptions running riot. Could be anything, time will tell.

honestly, after your comment OP, i think youre the "side chick". as someone who has been cheated on, snapchat is one of the easiest ways to avoid getting caught cause you cant see anything that was said. im thinking he got caught and either his woman is who you spoke to or she changed the number. atleast you were innocent of the deed.

myfuturelover 15

Honestly, that doesn't make me feel any better. Plus if I was the side chick I think I did a terrible job considering we've never done anything.

tehdarkness 21

I think he legit liked you but could be married or with someone and now has pussied out. Or feels guilty once it got to the point where it's real. It is sorting out his business and will be back! No Facebook is kinda a red flag though.

Lt_Senpai 21

If only a girl called me :( Feelsbadman

When I met my wife via friends, after a night of bar hopping, she wrote her number on my hand. She was drunk, and transposed two numbers. Her friend caught it on my ride home and gave me the correct number, but the point is things happen! He may have had an issue with his carrier. Don't give up!

Numbers aren't recycled that fast. Either OP is full of it or the dude had someone lie for him.

I feel like that could be pure coincidence, especially after reading your follow up