By ilivealoneandwhatthefuck - 23/06/2013 17:02 - Guam - Yigo

Today, it's been weeks since some asshat started placing gnomes in my front and back yards. I resorted to setting up cameras, which I thought had deterred the idiot, until I walked into my kitchen this morning and found two gnomes on the counter. Nothing on the tapes. I'm freaking out here. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 298
You deserved it 4 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments


caniblezombie135 5

Gmonio And Juliet are stalking you

reymon8823 24

Could be someone very close to you that is doing it someone that knows just exactly where the cameras are still pretty funny though

jdk033 2

Really? No Whovians jumping at this one? Well, I'll have to be the one to tell you: "Don't Blink! Don't even Blink! Blink and you're dead! Good Luck."

onorexveritas 23

perhaps you have a poltergeist

rebel501 4

That is scary but it's kinda funny I'm sure ull see the humor. Or u won't. I would make it into a game. Like when u get a gnome go sell it,

caitlinbblack 14

Does family have keys? Family or friends know you put up cameras? They're probably messing with you

Trquitugua 4
rosylinehaha 5

Maybe gnomeo and Juliet is true!!!