By ilivealoneandwhatthefuck - 23/06/2013 17:02 - Guam - Yigo

Today, it's been weeks since some asshat started placing gnomes in my front and back yards. I resorted to setting up cameras, which I thought had deterred the idiot, until I walked into my kitchen this morning and found two gnomes on the counter. Nothing on the tapes. I'm freaking out here. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 298
You deserved it 4 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments


jessie123246 2

It's the Sims 3! The evil gnome will wreak havoc in your household!

Must be a vampire we all know they don't show up in film

Do you happen to live in Albion? (Shut up, Fable 3 wasn't that bad)

Sounds like the Gnome Gninja has stricken again!

in Sims 3, if you have a gnome, it periodically changes places around your lot. are you sure you're not a sim?

Paranormal Activity: Rise Of The Gnomes

lol! it might be someone who lives with you.........