By Meowit - 07/09/2014 03:06 - United States - Livonia

Today, it's my birthday, and everyone, family and friends, forgot. Except my dog who left me a present on my bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 652
You deserved it 3 223

Same thing different taste


At least you got one gift...too bad it couldn't have been an actual good one

Plot Twist. It was chocolate disguised as shit.

atleast you got something. be grateful lol && happy birthday

ulissey_fml 22

Feliz cumpleanos. And joyeux anniversaire à toi, OP. See, some people know it's a special date for you. A FML that was accepted is not so bad ! Not everybody can make it.

Happy birthday! My birthdays the same

doraaa01 7

I've never understood how parents can forget their child's birthday... Especially a mother :/ pregnancy and child birth is a little hard to forget.

Yeah, my mother apologised for forgetting my birthday - a month before it was actually due!

get a facebook. it doesnt let people forget.