By ipodless - 13/10/2011 00:47 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. I asked everyone for iTunes money, pleased to finally be able to buy some new songs for my iPod. After receiving several gift cards, I discovered that my iPod had been stolen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 321
You deserved it 4 336

Same thing different taste


Damn that's too funny!! But it would ultimately suck if I was in your shoes!! Happy Birthday ;)

why are people talking about getting songs youtube? torrent sites are way better/ easier!! I mudt admit I download everything illegally, but I do buy the cds I actually really like, don't see the harm in that.

You do know music has been free for like 15 years right? Also, companies give iPods out like free candy. Most people have like 3

alex54231 11

Your life sucks, not because you lost your iPod, but because you buy music.

glitterglam86 0

Wow that sucks happy birthday