By ipodless - 13/10/2011 00:47 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. I asked everyone for iTunes money, pleased to finally be able to buy some new songs for my iPod. After receiving several gift cards, I discovered that my iPod had been stolen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 311
You deserved it 4 332

Same thing different taste


There's this nice little thing called downloading music. It saves you ass loads of money.

sinekt 9

Emmm... out here in the real world music is still free to download from peering/torrent programs and sites. I feel sorry for these poor countries where you have to pay for software and music and movies.

sinekt 9

Some people dont have 1000$ a month. The day i wont be able to download my stuff for free at speeds beyond 5MB/s i will commit suicide

hateevryone 14

that sucks. i know how it feels to have something valuable stolen from you.

unnyup 0

Then, how are you writing this?

that has got to be one of the most stupidest comments I've read...

crazychettalover 3

wow that sucks well on the bight side you got what you wanted for your birthday :D

sinekt 9

Let's put it this way: when I won't have to go to my mom to take money for food and gas, maybe I'll buy music. I've been working in IT for the last three years. Life is not that easy everywhere in the world. This year I only used my money for keeping my car in good condition to be able to go to work. So I go to work to repair my car to go to work... I was barely able to do anything for myself this year. Went to the seaside with something like 20$ for 4 days and slept in the car, because I had no money for a room. And all the bills and all my food are paid by my parents and still can't have enough money to do anything. I'm not starving or anything, but it's far from being normal. I have a salary of about 350 euros/month. About 100/month only the gas, I have 250€ left per month, or about 320$/month, without any more payments subtracted from it, like electricity, internet, TV, food, car maintenance & other stuff. So yeah, I couldn't care less about it.

Yes, some people still buy their songs like I do, because me, and a lot of people aren't disrespectful pieces of shit, who are too poor to buy anything, you stupid "pirates" make me physically ill, and I hope terrible things happen to every last one of you and your families.

zfchatroulette 24

Wow, I'm surprised you can hate people because they're poor. You're a total **** and I hope your parents get fired and you get kicked out onto the streets and you all become hobos and experience what it's really like to be poor and have everyone hate you because by not having money you're 'disrespectful' and that people wish terrible things on you constantly just because you don't have money. TL;DR **** you.

Why would you buy songs when you can download them for free?