By Sorry - 02/10/2014 23:51 - New Zealand - Auckland

Today, it's my birthday. I've spent most of it apologizing to my parents for the "hassle" of "having" to arrange a simple birthday dinner. Sorry I was born, guys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 276
You deserved it 3 268

Same thing different taste

Top comments

llamarrama01 21

They're just upset they created something better than themselves.


Happy birthday !!!!!! Go do something rebellious !

its your day,dont let people take away your happiness and bring you down. hope you have a nice day OP.

redheadedmonster 24

I never had a birthday party ☺ Hope that makes you feel better.

CaroAurelia 12

You ought to tell them that your being born was their idea, not yours.

That could backfire, if it turns out she was an unplanned pregnancy.

Never feel bad for being born! If your parents have a 'problem' with it, it's never your fault. They are honestly completely failures themselves, and I hope you get to accomplish something, feel good and be happy despite them being so negative. Happy birthday, I hope you get away from those "parents" soon. /:

This post just gave me a great idea! Somebody should do a charity where they throw surprise parties for people with nobody in their life who would celebrate with them! :) Somebody get on that or I will! Lol!

Happy Birthday! 10/2 is mine as well. We put off my birthday dinner for a few days when it was more convenient for everyone.

happy birthday honey, I know it sucks, my birthday was yesterday to and I didn't even see my family. I hope your birthday got better though.

Happy birthday! I'm celebrating mine this month too, so I'll keep you in my thoughts.