By SchoolSucks - 19/02/2013 17:05 - United States
Same thing different taste
By raiden - 17/08/2018 20:30
This is going to suck
By Anonymous - 08/09/2023 00:02
By not_this_shit_again - 09/04/2014 12:37 - Singapore - Singapore
Oh no…
By Augh. - 09/10/2009 02:30 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/10/2014 02:13 - United States - Winter Park
Not so demure start to the year
By Anonymous - 23/08/2024 00:00 - United States - Santa Clara
By Anonymous - 02/12/2020 11:05
New hire
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Brazil - Jacare
Thanks Mom
By melissa - 13/12/2023 00:00 - United States
By swana99 - 04/09/2013 20:39 - United States - Woburn
Top comments
With such a talented bullier, you should just quit while you're behind.
Quit as in... Die? Get beat up? Suicide? Do specify.
Options for youth. Independent study.
Sorry to hear. Maybe you can set up a meeting with the principal, your parents and her parents and work something out. Or stop her from transferring all together. Things will get better!
Move to Africa tame the wild and wait for her to move there, when she starts the bullying start talking in tongues summon the beasts of the wild and have them explain to her what she is doing is wrong.
I had a kid bully me both verbally and physically all through middle school. One day I had had enough, so I hauled off and slugged him in the gut. He didn't say a word to me for the next 6 years until I graduated. I usually don't condone violence, but that seems to be the only thing these cretins understand. Just don't do it in front of a teacher. Good luck.
Nothing gets through to bully but a good old fashioned ass whooping.
I condone violence in very specific circumstances. I dealt with a bully in high school and he didn't stop until I smashed him in the ******* nose and made him bleed like a stuck pig all over the wet street at the bus stop. That is still a fond memory. When you are dealing with a Hitler, Osama Bin Laden or a schoolyard bully, violence is the only option.
Same thing happened to me except i decided to send him to the hospital by punching him in the gut, kneeing him in the face twice then pushing him down and stepping on his face... Noone has attempted to bully me since
62 - I think the idea is to send a message, not send anyone to the hospital.
She won't have any friends there yet, let others know in advance how she is, and you'll hopefully be protected by good friends. If that doesn't work, do stuff to her she won't know is you: booby trap her locker, etc
Bad idea. Then everyone will think she has a REASON to want to hit him...the kid who came in bad-mouthing her behind her back.
Or she pull a Max Keeble and take the bullies down!
Op you must have one of those know one if those hittable faces.
What the hell?! No one ever asks to be bullied!
This story will end up having a 'Fight Club' twist at the end. Does she follow you everywhere you go? Poor OP
i guess not alot of people have seen fight club on here, cause that was a brilliant insight right there. makes alot more sense than a bully who would actualy transfer schools just so they could keep bullying the same person.

She secretly loves you
Wow, she needs a taste of her own medicine.