By Anonymous - 23/09/2014 12:00 - United States - Tampa

Today, it's the first day of fall. It's also the day that over 20 people have made jokes about my name being "Autumn" like they're the funniest, most original people alive. It's not even 8 am. This is going to be a long day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 100
You deserved it 3 455

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aw :( I'm sorry. It's a really gorgeous name, though.

Trip them and say, "have a nice trip, see you next fall!"


don't tell me you look like a pumpkin spice latte too...

Here's a new one: you have the same name as my cat. Much better, right?

Just ignore em darlin, Autumn is a beautiful name

I was just thinking the other week what an awesome name Autumn is. Don't worry, could've been Spring :P

I get people commenting on my name who think they're hilarious because of reused puns on a daily basis. I feel you, OP.

CrazyOvrMustangs 10

That's my name too, I have the same problem! I just tell them how original they are in the most sarcastic tone I can do!

My name is Tom. There are more than a few people who, every time I see them, call me Jerry and start laughing like they are the funniest person to ever walk the earth.

Sorry op, but on the bright side you have a beautiful name.

sumbum95 15

My name is Summer & I was born in the Autumn -_- People are always cracking jokes. It's okay though that makes us unique!! ;p