By noshow - 11/12/2014 05:44 - United States - Richardson

Today, it's the last night before a concert. Today is also the day my brother pawned my clarinet for drug money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 058
You deserved it 2 570

Same thing different taste


Steal his drugs, sell them, and buy a new clarinet...

angelbaby93 1

dude I'm sorry. I play clarinet and that's just not okay

I do feel bad for them too though. As 57 mentioned, they don't want to do what they do and many of them have tried rehab several times and it hasn't worked for them. So it's not just as easy as "getting help" or going to rehab. I think it would be incredibly hard to crave something so badly that you would sell other people's stuff and probably your own soul. I take narcotics for chronic pain and I absolutely hate how I'm physically dependant on them and hate knowing that if I were to stop that my entire body would react and go through withdrawals even though I don't get high or enjoy taking the medication. It's horrible to be dependant on anything or anyone.

The way you set that up really had me expecting a different story. Nice plot twist.

sorahearts_fml 10

Just rent one for a day or a while at the doo wop shop or something.

Demonyx 6

Tie him down grab some spare reeds, break them, and stick them under his fingernails. Or don't, which probably be the more intelligent decision

If someone takes drugs recreationally I don't have any sympathy personally. They don't deserve it since they got themselves into the problem on the first place. Prescribed drugs are different if you actually need them.

:( I'm sorry....But call the cops that's theft n u cld possibly get sed clarinet back

All you can do is report it stolen an and let your brother take responsibility for his actions. I hate to say that but if he's that addicted you have to do it.