By noshow - 11/12/2014 05:44 - United States - Richardson

Today, it's the last night before a concert. Today is also the day my brother pawned my clarinet for drug money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 058
You deserved it 2 570

Same thing different taste


Go to the pawnshop and get it back. You shouldn't have to give them the money for it because it wasn't the actual owner who pawned it, so it would be considered stolen.

If you want to get it back for free because it's stolen, you'll need to press charges and have the person who pawned it arrested. At which point it will be taken into evidence until the trial. Which still leaves OP without a clarinet for tomorrows concert.

If that were actually the case, no one would ever pay for anything. Just wander around until you see something you like and say, 'Hey. This is my television. Give it to me for free or I'll call the police and report it stolen.' And for the most part, pawn shops operate above board. Some of them are shady and operate as fronts to move stolen goods. But many of them aren't.

sdlr32787 18

****** A, dudes shouldn't play the clarinet

sh4wn 8

I'm sorry that happened OP. Unfortunately when people are in active drug addiction they do things to get drugs. They go to any lengths just to get that next fix. I can say this because I have done things in my past I am not proud of. It is not ok at all what your brother did. I am not justifying his actions in any way. I hope things for you and your family turn around. In the mean time, I think you should tell your parents what he did, and then talk to your band director.

It's a stolen item, you can try to go to pawn shop and see if they are reasonable. If they aren't, file a police report and they will go directly to pawn shop to retrieve it before they can sell it. It might not get you the clarinet back in time for the concert but you will get it back. You need to consider this if your brother is at a point where they are stealing to get drug money. It's tough to do to family but it's the best chance for getting him help.

If the concert is a very big deal and if your brother is a complete jerk, don't feel guilty about going to the police about this. You have every right.

can you borrow one.? idk how instruments work..

If you're willing to charge him you can go to the pawn shop with the police to get it back. But you're brother is charged with theft

Sathane 21

Easy enough to recover. Call the cops over to the pawn shop. You'll kill two birds with one stone. You'll get your instrument back and your brother will go to jail where he belongs.

xluciferx666 21

"I want my money Brian! Where's my money man! Where's my money man?"