By anonymous - 02/11/2016 04:18

Today, it was the first day of my new job. It was also the last day of my new job. I got a call immediately after finishing my shift to be told the company has "decided to go in a different direction" and will no longer be needing my services. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 815
You deserved it 851

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The fact that they called you immediately after instead of telling you face to face like good employers do, just shows what kind of organization they are and how they run their business. I would say it's a good thing for you, now you can find something better!

"It's a shame we have to let you go. Haha, remember that time you were called up after one shift and fired? Good times, bud!" "That is the present. You are describing now." "And then you said that to me! Boy, did we have fun."


species4872 19

It's not unusual. Upper management may have discussed how OP went with his/her supervisor after the sift concluded and decided then that they were not suitable. If OP had already left for the day how else are they going to let him/her know that they were not required? Would you prefer they wait and tell them the next morning when they arrived?

Possibly... It's a shitty move to allow an entire shift to pass by and then say something. I would feel taken advantage of. They should send you home early, even if before you start, and figure out staffing issues ; it's their problem if they don't have a replacement.

I was just taken off the roster after 2 years of work. Went in and my name was gone. No explanation, but the manager was husband of another worker there who hated me.

Better off finding out early that's how the company treats people. You'll find something better op.

I remember the time i fired a coworker I didn't like in almost the same way. lol they never came back to work rofl. The boss then hired my cousin after 3 days no call no show.