Work sucks, I know

By BadKitty42 - 14/12/2009 08:12 - United States

Today, it was my last day at work. I was offered a better job and accepted. Not wanting to leave my present boss hanging, I asked for time to give notice. While I trained my replacement, the owner at the new job had time to think about how slow the season is, and he decided not to fill the position. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 689
You deserved it 3 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a real jerk thing for your new boss to do. FYL, especially with the holidays right around the corner. Hope you got your shopping done early!

as a recent law school grad, you likely have a claim against the "new" employer. if you accepted the offer and detrimentally relied upon that acceptance, you will likely have a case for breach of contract (even though it may not have been in writing). you would likely be able to collect for your past salary for a certain period of time until you find a new job. now if you were hired and then let go within the scope of your employment (even though you technically never started), that sucks


That's a real jerk thing for your new boss to do. FYL, especially with the holidays right around the corner. Hope you got your shopping done early!

Hey there's a funny site similar to FML but where visitors can tell their darkest secrets:

YDI for not being satisfied with the good thing you had going

pchis4ever 0

Who says the OP's original job was a good thing? Maybe it sucked?

Yeah that's it - never change your job for any reason. Be grateful you are given work by your employer, bow down to him every morning, be an obedient little slave submit to his every wish. Great advice really, it's sure never to get you fired and will ensure a good income for you. Oh wait - no it won't: by staying in a dead-end job you'll miss all chances to improve yourself and accumulate savings, and eventually you'll get laid off anyway.

legendofdon 0

so retract your notice at your current job. not an fml

What about the new trainee? Is it wrong to punish him because of a dumbass thing someone else (the new boss) did? The company can probably not afford to hire both of them at the same time. Likely, the trainee will keep his position, and the OP is out of a job. I'm hoping that there is some legal action you can take against your "new" employer.

as a recent law school grad, you likely have a claim against the "new" employer. if you accepted the offer and detrimentally relied upon that acceptance, you will likely have a case for breach of contract (even though it may not have been in writing). you would likely be able to collect for your past salary for a certain period of time until you find a new job. now if you were hired and then let go within the scope of your employment (even though you technically never started), that sucks

Didn't you sign an offer letter with the new employer? If not, YDI. But if so, contact a lawyer (and ignore any internet lawyers in this comment area).

That blows man. FYL. Can't you do someting since you were already given the job?

what a dick move, sorry OP, hope you find something soon. This really is an FML.

xenomorph 0

Ouch! That must hurt. To the FML staff, regarding English syntax: I would inject the string "had " (without quotes) starting at character 212.

I agree and I was also going to say something but you beat me to it :D I hate bad grammar.

How flaky of the new boss. . . and wrong.