By WolfAvenge - 21/05/2015 08:01 - United States - Phoenix
WolfAvenge tells us more.
I actually do have his number! We go to film school together but haven't hung out much. We were at a shoot for a fashion show. I totally plan on talking with him more, maybe asking to go out on a date soon too ;) Since I joined the film club we will be seeing a lot of each other from now on anyway. I just want to hang out with him more first though, but I'm definitely interested if he still is XD
Top comments
Pretty and mysterious? You're a real catch OP!
I have heard that cute points are worth more than sexy points.
Sounded pretty adorable to me.
no #3 I think it is very cute, and since I doubt OP gave the guy a chance to get her number hopefully she runs into him again and he thinks that it was cute and he asks her, you should give us a follow-up OP.
nothing cuter then a girl with low self-esteem...
seriously #34 we don't see it as her having low self esteem we see it as her being shy and innocent which their is nothing wrong with.
I actually do have his number! We go to film school together but haven't hung out much. We were at a shoot for a fashion show. I totally plan on talking with him more, maybe asking to go out on a date soon too ;) Since I joined the film club we will be seeing a lot of each other from now on anyway. I just want to hang out with him more first though, but I'm definitely interested if he still is XD
Congrats op! Have fun :)
You're eyes are very pretty
Good luck! I bet he'll understand, and you will have a good story to tell in the future.
I don't know why no guy has ever called you pretty you are a very attractive woman not to be flirty
Good first impression
Who said it was the first time they met? He may have just worked up some courage and told her his feelings.
Yeah a girl did that to me once and it just made me want her more ;-)
And whats wrong with that? Sounds like the start of something good.
Its effin' cute if you ask me! And it is kind of a compliment to the guy. Bet his self confidence shot through the roof!
Being a guy, I can totally certify this as cute.. You have nothing to worry about.. ;-)

Pretty and mysterious? You're a real catch OP!
I bet he thought it was cute.