By broke - 09/07/2016 07:36

Today, just like the past 2 weeks, I'm so broke that I only got to eat dinner because I went on a first date with a guy from Tinder. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 446
You deserved it 2 697

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rldostie 19

I feel a little bad for your dates. No one likes to be used for money. Maybe I'm just a little too feminist, but I don't think it's fair that men are expected to pay for all the dates, or all of the date, and I don't think it's fair that some women use men for a free meal ticket. Now, if you genuinely were on a date with him and looking for an honest connection or hook up, then maybe okay? Still, ramen diners cost under a dollar and while not nutritious in the least, at least no one is being used.

Im honestly not sure who to feel bad for - you or your dates. I can relate waiting to getting paid and not really having food in the house, but to use dates for food is sad and hurtful to your date. Mind you, Ive never been on Tinder, and not sure 100% what that is other than guessing its a dating app (site?)


Have you called the food bank? That is what they are there for! Everyday hundreds of thousands of pounds of food are tossed, not because they are expired, but because they don't fit on the shelf. Stores now are keeping the food and giving it to charities to distribute. Never hits the dumpster, stays refrigerated etc. call your local food bank and they will give you tips in how to get at least a bag if shelf stable groceries a week. If you look further, you can find the charities and get all your dairy, veg etc. I do this every week. I have not bought bread in years. There is so much bread tossed daily, they can't even give it all away. If you have too much pride...think of it this way. You are saving the food from getting wasted. It would just go in the trash otherwise. Good luck!

We don't know the whole situation here, hell, the date could've asked OP out, OP could've stated they were low on cash, and the date could've offered to pay because they wanted to go on a date with them regardless. We don't know where they went either so it could've been a decently priced meal. Everyone needs to calm down about the date being used, we can assume OP didn't grovel for food and was rather offered a meal.

And a note to OP, food can be good in quantity and quality depending on where you go. Check out a local dollar store and do your grocery shopping there. It's a great alternative to overpriced supermarkets and the food is the same (just double check the bread) the only thing is the food sold at dollar stores has a closer expiration date

I honestly feel bad that you don't have money to pay for food. However, to use someone for their money when they haven't done anything to you is a bad and hurtful move. I really don't agree with it, and would hate to be used just for a free meal, but to each their own.

Just putting the ethics of this to the side - for your own sake, you realize plenty of male first dates bail on paying for the date, right? Particularly on Tinder. What are you going to do then, when you can't even pay for a basic meal at home, let alone eating out for two adults at a first date-worthy location? This doesn't sound like a remotely good plan to me.

There's a difference between "I only have a meal because of going on a date" and "in only going on a date to get a meal".

If you are really that broke and hungry go to a good bank and get free food!! Stop using people and leading them on.

Yet you can afford to use the internet.

If this was a coincidence like you went on a date let him know you were out of cash and he said he'd pay and you were there because you liked him then that sucks maybe work on your budgeting. If you were using the guy for food then you totally deserve not eating. It's probably karma.