By mdsfkljsfsdrewr - 03/06/2014 19:01 - Lebanon - Beirut

Today, less than a day after my cranky downstairs neighbor passed away, I woke up to banging sounds against his apartment ceiling, like the ones he used to make whenever I walked around during the night. I'm shitting myself in fear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 708
You deserved it 4 630

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe someone else lived with him, or possibly the landlord? If its someone else besides the landlord, go report it. That's some freaky shit..

NotGabe 28

Well, time to start burning some sage.


laneyscool 1

This is definitely the plot from a Friends episode.

Siettadulce 21

Most likely wasn't anything to worry about, but if it happens more you should probably talk to the landlord

Don't be like those people in movies that don't try to leave until it's too

I'm sorry but am I the only one that thought calling the neighbor cranky unnecessary? Sorry if I'm being a bit prude-ish but I jus thought so. But, that is very creepy.

Well time to bring the religious stuff out and/or speak to your landlord so they can do something about this heinous atrocities that's happening.

They should have a new category for fml I call it "supernatural."

Time to pack up and leave OP or commit arson. Your choice.

Maybe it's just house making noise and it was never him? Or something outside, like a tree or animal?