By shootme - 13/11/2011 22:46 - Canada

Today, like every day, I used my phone while taking a dump. As I reached for some toilet paper to wipe myself, my sister pounded on the door for me to hurry up. I yelled "Fine," and without realizing it, wiped myself with my phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 348
You deserved it 58 549

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ReesesPuffs 0

*waits for somebody to say that's a shitty situation*

flockz 19

sorry but they probably don't have an app for cleaning shit stains off your phone.


dolphin83 0

What did you do with the phone afterwards?

jennyvieve 8
XxPancho_831xX 0

You should patent a phone that doubles as toilet paper. Cha-CHING!

perdix 29

What did the person on the other end of the toilet paper have to say?

MrSaxMan 0

Now you have somthing to laugh at when someone says you have a "shitty phone"

DancinChikk 0

If it was an iPhone 4S, I wonder what Siri thought of being used in such a way?

Well then i guess the iphone comes in 3 different colors now..moon white, pitch black, and shit brown..YAY