By ollie179 - 15/08/2011 19:14 - United Kingdom

Today, my 3 year old son's tricycle was stolen. I looked up the street and saw a neighbour's kid riding it. I marched up, gently lifted him off it, gave him a stern lecture about stealing and brought the tricycle back home. The cops then showed up. Apparently, the kid has an identical tricycle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 371
You deserved it 39 460

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RouletteRed 6

Think before you act. You never know what's really going on and can get in serious trouble when you do something like that lol. Besides let a kid ride regardless till he's done. Don't just kick him off xD.

YDI. I understand the thought process, but you probably should have talked to the parents first.


heydere 0

Why did u lift him off? Why didn't u just ask the kid?

Well I can understand both ways. But you should really understand that there is more than one of a product. And why on earth would you put your hands on someone else's child too?!?! YDI for that.

stoptrying 9

Because they were going to be gentle and it was an easier way to get the kid off the tricycle that they thought was their kids? Last I checked kids don't get any diseases or strange injuries due to being touched. Quit being ignorant.

Yes, you deserve it, because as a parent you should know that in these situations you are meant to approach the other child's parent before acting. How would you feel if this had happened to your child? Next time, use your common sense.

InfiniteSecret 20

After reading this FML you actually think they have common sense??? ?????

Definitely good intentions. What's good is that you didn't go berserk and freak out on the kids and his patents. That's what you deserve a yls for.

Noelle282 8

What does ydi mean it's probably a stupid question but idk what it means lol

YDI====> You deserved it. Its written under each sentences dude. :)

isaac713 0

damn i would hate to live in ur neighborhood 3 yr olds bikes gettin stolen nd grown men yellin at 3 yr olds

Wow u think your so cool or badass that u went to a kid that's Not yours and lecture him and takin his tryc (probAbly sard him for life) before even processing the mere thought of taLking to the adults...? My comment? Not cool.