By ollie179 - 15/08/2011 19:14 - United Kingdom

Today, my 3 year old son's tricycle was stolen. I looked up the street and saw a neighbour's kid riding it. I marched up, gently lifted him off it, gave him a stern lecture about stealing and brought the tricycle back home. The cops then showed up. Apparently, the kid has an identical tricycle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 367
You deserved it 39 454

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RouletteRed 6

Think before you act. You never know what's really going on and can get in serious trouble when you do something like that lol. Besides let a kid ride regardless till he's done. Don't just kick him off xD.

YDI. I understand the thought process, but you probably should have talked to the parents first.


xxxMICHEYxxx 0

WTF the cops now come if a tricycle is stolen? What has the world come to!?

Why wouldn't you go to the parents first? Even if the kid had actually stolen your child's tricycle, they're the ones who should be held responsible for punishing the child for what he'd done.

Nini101 2

This is why you should have talked to the parents instead

YDI! Dumbass! Don't you know better than to mess with anyone's kid these days? You could've been arrested!!

Where were you when your kid's tricycle was stolen? Rule of thumb, put your kid's shit away somewhere you know it won't be stolen from when he is done playing with it. If it was stolen while he was riding it, then the question should be what were you doing at the time and what were you actually paying attention to? Either way, I say YDI, especially for not talkin to the other kid's parents once the trike *was* stolen.

why didn't you talk to the parents first you dumbass. YDI.

sweetbabysweet93 10