By njh - 27/03/2015 13:29 - Ireland

Today, my 3-year-old son said to me, "Fuck a duck, Daddy." I have no idea where he heard this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 340
You deserved it 3 611

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When I was a kid I said **** and duck all the time cause they rhymed and I thought I invented a new word.But maybe your son just likes to curse like a sailor!


relax, children at this age doesn't have a good sense of what is right or wrong. He must've heard it and thought it sounded funny and repeated. Or people around were laughing, he thought it was a funny thing to say. You only need to explain him that this is not a good expression. Tip: don't waste your time explaining why, give simple answers once children at this age can't pay attention to long things.

renerdrat 6

Maybe he heard you say what the **** and it sounded like **** a duck?

Be careful your son doesn't grow up swearing like a trucker on acid.

saffy66 34

I know how you feel, my son called his stepfather a c**t at aged 4 - but I know EXACTLY where he heard it.

Haha, this is my mum's favourite curse phrase. I recently picked it up and say it all the time lol