By Anonymous - 17/09/2014 21:57 - United States - Dewitt
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 20/10/2012 08:42 - United States - Scottsdale
By Anonymous - 22/08/2013 04:48 - United States - Las Vegas
By singlemam - 15/03/2016 01:51 - United States - Akron
By Anonymous - 03/07/2015 20:51 - United States
By MommyProblems - 19/01/2014 05:17 - United States
By anon - 23/03/2015 02:24 - Canada - Toronto
By potatoebee - 03/04/2012 18:19 - United States - Clover
By parentof5 - 23/04/2011 15:20 - United States
But he's only 5
By Anonymous - 18/12/2019 05:00
By Mikabe - 14/02/2011 18:51 - Sweden
Top comments
Just like his Daddy
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree
Better yet kick him in the balls...he did grope her boobs.
whoa. slow down there. groping and kicking the balls is 2 way different things. the groping didnt hurt. getting kicked in the balls does. i honestly dont see how you find that justification. I feel bad for any man your with
Haha I'm sorry but that is adorable. Poor son doesn't even know what that means lol
no. he suggested kicking the dad in the balls. which is a huge over reaction. groping her breasts is harmless, but kicking dad in the balls is harmful.
@33 -_- I wasn't being serious I wouldn't actually tell a child to kick someone in the balls.
@ it's she
Can't blame the kid, he just obeyed his daddy's wish
That's kind of cute in weird way. :)

No it's not you little sexist. People shouln't teach their kids to see women as objects. This is a great start.
Yes number 18 because of one little joke this child will grow up to be a sexist woman hating chauvinistic pig. /sarcasmoff
18, its a JOKE. calm down.
I agree #18. That was inappropriate, and not cute or funny.
#18 This has nothing to do with treating women as objects. Your a complete idiot if you think this 4 yr old kid has any clue what objectifying women is. It's wrong yes. But at the same time it's funny cause he is so innocent he doesn't know the 'norms' of today's society... All in all your over reacting
Are you and #18 mentally challenged or jut retarded
His daddy is not a good role model
Now go tell him to squeeze Daddy's balls!!!
Ya, as funny as this is now. I bet they're going to get a call from a teacher some day soon saying he's groping either his teachers breasts or the girls in his class' breasts. Not a smart move on dad's part because if op's child is told it's funny now, then he'll do it again to get a laugh out of people.
calm down 50. its just fun. and if the mom put it on fml, im sure she didnt find it funny.
Next FML should be: Today, my four year old son punched me in the balls and said, "this is what mommy told me to do"
Looks like it was in moderation, "Today my son pinched my balls because mommy told me to"
I actually did see it in moderation! Probably some troll. ?
Probably, not sure why I'm getting down voted about it, why I would lie about it I'm not sure.
I'd do that to you if I had the chance
Daddy has taught him well
You would be a horrible parent.
Hm, i wonder what peoples response would be if it was a 4 year old girl groping her dad.
Reading upto this point I'd say pretty much the same except they'll replace "daddy" with "mommy"?
11 you have too much faith in FML commenters. It'd obviously be- "what a sicko letting his daughter do that" and "omg gross someone call CPS; pedo alert." Then you'd have a small percentage who make incest and pedophile jokes that get buried. Finally a few wouldn't see an issue with it; or would wonder if he stopper her and why the mom would tell her something like that in the first place.
Eh I just read #10 post for the 2nd time now and meh this is embarrassing. True it would be alot more different
Oh yes the double standards are strong in the FML community
Stop Daddy before Lesson #2!

Just like his Daddy
Can't blame the kid, he just obeyed his daddy's wish