By njh - 27/03/2015 13:29 - Ireland

Today, my 3-year-old son said to me, "Fuck a duck, Daddy." I have no idea where he heard this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 340
You deserved it 3 611

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When I was a kid I said **** and duck all the time cause they rhymed and I thought I invented a new word.But maybe your son just likes to curse like a sailor!


That's awesome. Your kid rules. Glad my 3 yr old doesn't do that. Check your partner's swearing

Perfect story for when he brings his first girlfriend over.

imaboy22 3

does he watch youtube? specifically PewDiePie. I've heard out from some of his videos lol

BlackFire4890 16

(little yellow minion) WHAaAaAa?

nialls_girl 13

maybe Strutter has a part of the blame...

hitkid007 2

movie Dogma (Jay and Silent Bob)

fun fact: male ducks have corkscrew penises

when I read this I though it said **** me daddy.