By Widespread - 18/11/2009 08:43 - Australia

Today, my 5 year old lactose intolerant daughter decided to have some chocolate. The result: me cleaning the bathroom walls at 3am, finishing at 4:30am, and then start cleaning again at 5am when her stomach contents decided I had missed a spot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 315
You deserved it 4 529

Australian315 tells us more.

Hi I just joined up to FML after this comment got posted (as it was mine) and i just wanted to verify some things. a) my daughter only ate chocolate because a kid at school gave her some, even though her teachers know that she cant have any dairy b) I do keep all of the dairy in our house hidden c) she only spewed at 3am because she has late reactions, eg, around 12 hours after she eats the dairy please stop saying how im a bad parent. accidents happen.

Top comments

#1 and #2 clearly have no children. Parents can do their best and their children will still find ways around obstacles when they're determined to do so. The good news is that natural consequences of her actions will help this little girl think twice before dis-obeying the rule about eating an item with dairy in it in the future.

You idiots expect them to lock their kids away from all outside influences? 5 year old's do go to school, and they have friends that they occasionally associate with outside of their parents supervision. It's impossible for the parent to supervise every second of every day of the child's life. It's damned easy for a kid to find chocolate. Think back to when you were a kid, if your parents banned you from doing something, then you damn well found a way to do it. If you didn't then you sucked as a kid.


wearinsexypants 0

real chocolate doesn't have dairy in it. Your kid is 5, you should by now have trained her as to what chocolate she can have, you also should have trained her to throw up in convenient places.

Is she a dog? Guys we've got to train our kids now! Also, real chocolate doesn't have milk in it! You are an idiot.

Bob31_fml 4

Today, you didn't watch your 5 year-old kid as she got into something she wasn't supposed to have. As a result, you learned a lesson about watching your child. YDI.

sjp092 0

If only the OP's daughter was a little older, she could have made her clean it.

Hi I just joined up to FML after this comment got posted (as it was mine) and i just wanted to verify some things. a) my daughter only ate chocolate because a kid at school gave her some, even though her teachers know that she cant have any dairy b) I do keep all of the dairy in our house hidden c) she only spewed at 3am because she has late reactions, eg, around 12 hours after she eats the dairy please stop saying how im a bad parent. accidents happen.

Yes I believe you! Don't worry it happens, hopefully ur daughter will be much more carefull with what she eats.

People who are lactose intolerant have reactions anywhere from 30 minutes after consumption to two hours after. She may have late reactions, but 11 hours??? Also, they don't puke. They might have nausea, but not vomitting. I could understand diarrhea, but you clearly said spewing. Either your child got sick for some other reason, or you are clearly making up FMLs. Either tell the truth or don't submit. Thank You.

cutiesoprano22 17

I have to disagree with you. I am the same way she is. Throwing up from dairy is common I have done it plenty of times and most of my dairy reactions do not hit me till the next morning anywhere from 6-12 hours later

lactose tolerant here, nope, i get my reaction between 30 mins all the way till 6-12+ hours clearly you shouldn't be judging

My son is allergic to dairy, it causes him to vomit and have diarrhea.

If you're a bad mother for your child eating chocolate at school, then I'm a bad mother for letting her run around a dirt playground at school. That's bull. Sh*t happens.

The op isn't a bad mother, kids are really sneaky and if they want something they aren't sopposed to have they can easily get it many different ways. Hopefully your daughter will learn now that there is a reason why she's not allowed to have certain foods.

here is an idea point your child in the right direction (the toilet)

I'm not going to touch the "good parent vs bad parent" debate I saw at the begining. Sorry I didn't have time to read ALL comments so I don't know if anyone pointed this out: while very true that she could have easily snuck it and her parents had absolutely no clue, if parents can keep kids away from things like poisons, weapons, and alcohol, all very coomon things in a home that kids don't need, then if a kid can't eat or shouldn't eat something, parents shouls be able to find away to keep those foods away from that kid. Same as with "dangerous" items!

I was the same as your daughter and when I was 3 my mom taught me to look at ingredients before I ate things, and if I saw milk or lactose to not eat it, same with wheat, and gluten. my mom also at the store would kinda play a game with me and she would give me a box and ask me to tell her if I could have it or not. I eventually learned what to and what to not eat. not calling you a bad parent or person, you need to tell her and show her the things she can't have so she knows. for next time.

I would ream on you for not watching after your daughter better, but it's not like you can know any and every little thing she eats all the time, every time. The thing that really sucks is that aside from telling her "no" to some of her favorite things as punishment, you can't really ground her or anything in a way that's effective. Then again, the former might be enough. *shrugs* Good luck.

why dont you get her chocolate without milk in it...?